November 19, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Establishment of a Quorum
3. Opening Prayer
4. Executive Session 6:00pm-6:45pm
1. Sec. 551.071. Consultation with Attorney
2. Sec. 551.072. Deliberation Regarding Real Property 3. Sec. 551.073. Deliberation Regarding Prospective Gift 4. Sec. 551.074. Personnel Matters 5. Sec. 551.076. Deliberation Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits 6. Sec. 551.082. School Children; School District Employees; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint 7. Sec. 551.0821 Personally Identifiable Information about a Public School Student 8. Sec. 551.083. Consultation with Representative of Employee Group 9. Sec. 551.084. Investigation: Exclusion of Witness from Hearing |
5. Reorganization of the Douglass ISD Board of Trustees
6. Presentation of Financial Audit
7. Open Forum
8. Consent Agenda
8.a. Consider Approval of Minutes of the Previous Meeting
8.b. Consider Approval of Accounts Payable
9. Information
9.a. PK-5 Principal's Report
9.a.I. Enrollment
9.a.II. Campus Updates
9.b. 6-12 Principal Report
9.b.I. Enrollment
9.b.II. Campus Updates
9.c. Superintendent Report
9.c.I. District Update
9.c.II. Facility Update
10. Discuss Douglass ISD Board of Trustees Evaluation Instrument
11. Discuss Superintendent Evaluation Instrument
12. Consider Approval of a Resolution for Douglass Independent School District's Desire to Participate in the TIPS Purchasing Cooperative Offered by Region VIII Education Service Center
13. Consider Approval of Bid for Struck Off Property
14. Consider Approval of Retention Incentives for Douglass ISD Employees.
15. Consider Approval of Employee Resignation
16. Executive Session
1. Sec. 551.071. Consultation with Attorney
2. Sec. 551.072. Deliberation Regarding Real Property 3. Sec. 551.073. Deliberation Regarding Prospective Gift 4. Sec. 551.074. Personnel Matters 5. Sec. 551.076. Deliberation Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits 6. Sec. 551.082. School Children; School District Employees; Disciplinary Matter or Complaint 7. Sec. 551.0821 Personally Identifiable Information about a Public School Student 8. Sec. 551.083. Consultation with Representative of Employee Group 9. Sec. 551.084. Investigation: Exclusion of Witness from Hearing |
17. Action, If any, resulting from Closed Session
18. Adjourn