August 11, 2022 at 5:00 PM - Governing Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call of Members
Board President
IV. Statement of Welcome
V. Call to the Public (Each speaker is limited to three (3) minutes. Before you speak, identify yourself by clearly stating for the record your name and address. If you wish to speak on an agenda item, please complete a Public Participation Form listing the agenda item by number and title that you would like to discuss. Give the form to the Board Secretary and the Board President will call upon you at the appropriate time. Action taken as a result of public comments or requests regarding items not listed on the agenda will be limited to directing the staff to study the matter or reschedule the matter for further consideration at a future Board meeting.
VI. Reports
VI.A. Superintendent
Hollis Merrell
VI.A.1. District Report
VII. Approval of Agenda Order
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Personnel - The Board may vote to discuss the matters under Personnel. Mr. Merrell in Executive Session pursuant to A.R.S. '38-431.03(A)(1), Personnel.
VIII.A.1. New Employees
VIII.A.1.a. Alicia LaDuke - Snowflake High School Varsity Track Coach
VIII.A.1.b. Tammie Pete - Snowflake JOM Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.c. Susannah Nicoll - Snowflake Junior High Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.d. Vidal Bentancourt - Snowflake District Maintenance/ Custodian Lead
VIII.A.1.e. Amber Judd - Snowflake Intermediate Resource Teacher
VIII.A.1.f. Janice Stewart- Taylor Elementary K-3 Self Contained Teacher
VIII.A.1.g. Jennie Jensen - Snowflake High School Color Guard
VIII.A.1.h. Danielle Booth - Snowflake Junior High Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.i. Jayden Maxwell - Snowflake Intermediate Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.j. Lindsay Owen - Snowflake Intermediate Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.k. Natalie Owen - Snowflake Intermediate Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.l. Katelynn Cardon - Snowflake Junior High Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.m. CarmenThompson - Snowflake High School English and Photography Teacher
VIII.A.1.n. Madisen Brady - Snowflake Junior High Instructional Aide and 7th Grade Softball
VIII.A.1.o. Kelsie Caldwell - Taylor Elementary Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.p. KJ Palmer - Copy Center Aide
VIII.A.1.q. Kirstie Self - Taylor Intermediate Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.r. Natosha Doyle - Taylor Intermediate Instrcutional Aide
VIII.A.1.s. Stephanie Camisa - Snowflake Intermediate Resource Teacher
VIII.A.1.t. Leslie Gibson - Taylor Elementary Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.u. Victoria Pino - Highland Primary Instructional Aide
VIII.A.1.v. Deborah Martinsen - Taylor Elementary Instructional Aide
VIII.A.2. Resignation
VIII.A.2.a. Ashley Marshall - Taylor Elementary K-3 Self Contained
VIII.A.2.b. Traci Butler - Snowflake Junior High Softball Coach
VIII.A.2.c. Bonnie Ellsworth - Taylor Elementary Instructional Aide
VIII.A.2.d. Stephanie Batty - Snowflake Intermediate Instructional Aide
VIII.A.3. Transfers
VIII.A.3.a. Kim Capps - Snowflake High School Finance Specialist
VIII.A.3.b. Laura Duncan - Taylor Elementary Instructional Aide to Taylor Elementary 2nd Grade Teacher
VIII.A.3.c. Sherri Johnston - Transfer from Highland Primary Instructional ESSER Aide to Highland Primary Title I Aide
VIII.A.4. Volunteers
VIII.A.4.a. Jennifer Brady - Snowflake Junior High 7th Grade Girls Softball Volunteer
VIII.A.4.b. Tiffany Larson - Snowflake Junior High Cheer
VIII.A.4.c. Kelsie Caldwell - Snowflake High School Cheer Volunteer
VIII.B. Financial
The Following financials are being submitted for the Board's approval
VIII.C. Minutes
The Following minutes are being submitted for the Board's approval
VIII.D. Jazz Band Fundraiser
VIII.E. Band Uniform Cleaning Fee
VIII.F. New Positions
Taylor Elementary 2nd Grade teacher Snowflake High School English and Photography Teacher (Part Time)
Hollis Merrell
Due to high numbers,one and a half new teaching positions were added.
IX. General Functions
IX.A. Reschedule October Board Meeting
Falls on Fall break |
IX.B. Physical Therapy Quotes
Hollis Merrell
IX.C. Reinstate Junior High Cheerleading
Hollis Merrell
IX.D. Policy Advisory 716- First Reading
Hollis Merrell
IX.E. Updated FY 22-23 Junior High Fee Schedule
Hollis Merrell
Athletic Fee went from $25.00 to $35.00
IX.F. RFP for Speech and Language Services/ Supervision
Hollis Merrell
IX.G. Out of State Travel for ALICE Training
IX.H. Updated Safe to Return to In-Person Instruction Plan, per ESSER Requirements
IX.I. Intergovernmental Agreement between Department of Economic Security and Snowflake School District for Transition from School to Work program
IX.J. Band Camp Stipends
Hollis Merrell
IX.K. Snowflake High School Turf
Hollis Merrell
IX.L. Snowflake High School Prep Buy Out
Hollis Merrell
X. Adjournment