September 20, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Meeting Overview 9-20-21
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. PISD Enrollment Update
5. Construction Report
6. Student Leadership Summit Presentation
7. Open Forum (agenda related)/Communications/Presentations
8.A. Approve the minutes of the prior meeting(s): 8-23-21
8.B. Consideration and possible action on approval of budget amendments.
9.A. Consideration and possible action on approval of seeking class size waivers for those K-4 classrooms that have exceeded 22:1.
9.B. Consideration and possible approval for a waiver of for 7th grade reading diagnostic instrument
9.C. Consideration and possible action regarding the District’s request for remote homebound waiver from the Texas Education Agency. |
10.A. Consideration and possible action on approval of the Financial/Investment/Tax Report for August, 2021.
10.B. Consideration and possible action on approval of the certifications of anticipated collection rate and excess debt collections.
10.C. Consideration and possible action on adoption of the tax rate for the 2021-2022 school year.
10.D. Consideraction and possible action regarding potential future school sites, the purchasing of land and site-related infrastructure costs, and the naming of certain facilities.* (551.072)
11. Open Forum (non-agenda related)
12.A. Consideration and possible action on approval of any professional /contract personnel to be employed and status of current professional personnel.* (551.074)
12.B. Consideration and possible action on approval of resignations received.* (551.074)
12.C. Consideration and possible action on finding that employee did not have good cause to abandon their employment contract (551.074)
12.D. Texas Government Code 551.0821, discussion of a matter regarding a student or that would reveal personally identifiable information of a student, including pending District request for remote homebound waivers from the Texas Education Agency. |
13.A. Important Dates:
October 8, 2021 - Professional Learning Day/No school for students
October 11, 2021 - School Holiday October 20, 2021 - Homecoming Parade for RHHS October 18, 2021 - PISD School Board Meeting/FIRST Report |