October 10, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Let the record show that all the Board Members and the Superintendent are present.
Let the record show the Administrators that are present. |
II. Consider the attached Accounts Payable Vouchers and the September 30, 2022 payroll for payment.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried |
III. Consider the minutes of the September 26, 2022 school board meeting.
_________ moved. _________ seconded. Motion carried. |
IV. Superintendent and/or School Board Member Report
Goal Area 1 - Academics: All learners will continuously demonstrate academic growth. Goal Area 2 - Safety: We will provide a safe and secure learning environment for all. Goal Area 3 - Equity: We will provide a positive, inclusive, and equitable environment for all. Goal Area 4 - Communication: We will improve communication and strengthen relationships both internally and externally. Goal Area 5 - Finances: We will advocate to increase the financial resources of the Corporation to provide an outstanding school environment and opportunities for our students, staff, and community. |
V. Professional Development
V.A. We recommend Regin Johnson, Linda Hobock, Jenae McKnight, Melissa Retting, Melissa Day, Victoria Pliego, Abigail Allen, Alice Gallegos and four EL paraprofessionals attend the Wabash Valley Education Center 2022 EL State Conference on November 2-2, 2022 in West Lafayette, IN paid from the NESP Fund.
V.B. We recommend that Cynthia Mose-Trevino, Regin Johnson, David Kidd and Aaron Smith attend the Hoosier Educational Computer Coordinators Conference on November 9-11, 2022 in Indianapolis, IN with expenses paid from the IV fund paid from the for Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Trevino. Expenses for Mr. Smith and Mr. Kidd will be paid out of the Operations Fund.
V.C. Recommend approving the Professional Development items.
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |
VI. Leave/Resignation/Employment
All new employment to Lake Ridge New Tech Schools is contingent upon a cleared Expanded Criminal History Background Check within 30 days and a cleared Expanded Child Protection Index Check within 60 days of effective date. IC 20-26-2-1.5 and IC 20-26-2-1.3 |
VI.A. We recommend accepting Melissa Arnold’s resignation from the 2nd Grade Teacher position at Longfellow New Tech Elementary School effective September 30, 2022.
VI.B. We recommend accepting Robert Lukowski’s resignation from the Physical Education Teacher position at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School effective October 11, 2022.
VI.C. We recommend accepting Selwyn Caldwell’s resignation form the 3rd Grade Teacher position at Longfellow New Tech Elementary School effective September 26, 2022.
VI.D. We recommend Brandy Donaldson be employed as the part-time Health Aide for the Lake Ridge New Tech School District effective October 12, 2022.
VI.E. We recommend Terrica Carson be employed as a 4rd Grade Teacher at Longfellow New Tech Elementary School effective October 10, 2022.
VI.F. We recommend that Nicole McIntosh be employed as a 2nd Grade Teacher at Longfellow New Tech Elementary School effective October 10, 2022.
VI.G. We recommend Jeremiah Glasper be employed as the Head Football Coach at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School for the 2022-2023 season.
VI.H. We recommend Marcus Livingston be employed as the Assistant Football Coach at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School for the 2022-2023 season.
VI.I. We are recommending Durrell Nash be employed as a Volunteer Football Coach at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School for the 2022-2023 season.
VI.J. We recommend Kiara Anderson be employed as the 6th Grade Volleyball Coach at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School for the 2022-2023 season.
VI.K. We recommend that Cisely Lebron be employed as the 7th Grade Volleyball Coach at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School for the 2022-2023 season.
VI.L. We recommend that Kyla Graig be employed as the 6th Grade Volleyball Coach at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School for the 2022-2023 season.
VI.M. We recommend that Cheryl Dance be employed as the Head Cross Country Coach at Lake Ridge New Tech Middle School for the 2022-2023 season.
VI.N. Recommend approval of the Leaves/Resignations/Employment items.
_________________ moved __________________ seconded. Motion carried. |
VII. New Business
VII.A. We recommend approving and paying the attached list of certified staff members for retention of employment from the 2021-2022 school year to the following 2022-2023 school year.
VII.B. We recommend that the Head Start Staff receive a 2.8% permanent salary increase which will be paid retroactively to February 1, 2022.
VII.C. We recommend approving the Athletic ticket price increase for the 2022-2023 sports season.
VII.D. We recommend approving the CampusSuite proposal for website design, website hosting, mobile app development and notification messaging system.
VII.E. We recommend approving the Telemedicine and Virtual Mental Health Services Contract with First Stop Health.
VII.F. We recommend adopting the 2023 Budget Resolutions.
VII.G. We recommend approving the Playground Supervisor, Classroom Aide Paraprofessional, EL Paraprofessional, Student Health Aide, and District EL Coordinator Compensation Request 2022-2023.
VII.H. We recommend approving and paying stipends to the attached list of employees for the family engagement student services done for the English Learners program during the month of September 2022.
VII.I. Recommend approval of the new business items.
__________ moved. __________seconded. Motion carried. |
VIII. Adjournment
__________ moved. __________ seconded. Motion carried. |