March 23, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment per Board Policy BED(LOCAL)
3. Consider initial review of the Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property submitted pursuant to Texas Tax Code Chapter 313 by Novis Renewables LLC, and authorizing Superintendent to engage consultants for review of Application.
4. Consider initial review of the Application for Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property submitted pursuant to Texas Tax Code Chapter 313 by Blackjack Plains Solar Project LLC, and authorizing Superintendent to engage consultants for review of Application.
5. Amendment of Value Limitation Agreement with 247CT8me LLC
Consideration and possible action to approve an amendment of the District’s current Value Limitation Agreement with 247CT8me LLC and delegation of authority to Superintendent regarding same |
6. Previous Board minutes
7. Financial Report/Stockdale ISD bills
8. 2022-2023 District Calendar
Consider and take possible action to approve the Interlocal Participation Agreement (IPA) between TASB Risk Management Fund and Stockdale ISD
10. CLOSED SESSION: (Texas Govt. Code, Chapter 551, section 551.071,551.074 and 551.072 et seq)
10.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.071 and 551.087: Consultation with legal counsel regarding legal issues pertaining to possible Applications for Appraised Value Limitation under Chapter 313 of the Texas Tax Code and to deliberate the offer of a financial incentive to a business prospect.
10.B. Personnel
10.C. Employment / Resignation
10.C.a. Administrative Contracts to include:
Special Programs and Testing Coordinator, Business Manager, Principals, Librarian , Technology Director, Athletic Director and Nurse |
10.D. Deliberate regarding resignation of Superintendent and potential employment of interim superintendent.
11.A. Closed session agenda items
11.A.a. Administrative Contracts
11.A.b. Consider and take possible action to accept the Resignation of Superintendent and address related matters
11.A.c. Consider and take possible action to hire Interim Superintendent
12. Superintendent Report
12.A. Teacher Recognition
12.B. COVID Update
12.C. Construction Update
12.D. Team of Eight training.
12.E. Weight Room Walk at the conclusion of the meeting
13. Adjournment