May 16, 2006 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Opening, Presentations & Open Forum
1.A. Meeting Called to Order
1.B. Pledge of Allegiance
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
1.C.1. "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one and indivisible."
1.D. Opening Prayer
1.E. Special Presentations
1.E.1. Presentation on Bastrop High School Teen Leadership Program and Capturing Kids Hearts
1.E.2. Recognition of Mina Elementary Salinas Art Contest Winners, LCRA Poster and Poetry Contest Winners and CASA Calendar Artists
1.E.3. Recognition and Performance by Mina String Students
1.E.4. Recognition of Cedar Creek Intermediate School Robotics Team
1.E.5. Recognition of Bastrop High School UIL and BPA Winners that Advanced to Regionals
1.E.6. Recognition of Bastrop High School Ninth Grade Honor Roll Students and Students with Perfect Attendance
1.E.7. Recognition of 2005 Linden Heck Howell Outstanding Teaching of Texas History Award Winner
1.E.8. Recognition of KXAN Teacher of the Week
1.E.9. Recognition of Bastrop ISD PALS Program
1.F. Open Forum
2. Canvassing of Trustee Election
3. Administration of Oath of Office to New Board Members
4. Reorganization of Board - Election of Officers
5. Superintendent's Report and Board Discussion
5.A. Personnel Report
5.A.1. Report on BISD Job Fair
5.B. Financial Report - Attachment A
5.C. Operations Report
5.C.1. Update on BHS Renovations & Additions Program
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of April 18, 2006
6.B. Consider Approval of Tax Refunds for Bastrop ISD
6.C. Consider Approval of Bids
6.C.1. Uniform Services
6.C.2. Fall Sports Equipment
6.D. Consider Approval of TASB Wellness Policy FFA (LOCAL)
6.E. Consider Approval of Technology Allotment Budget Amendment
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider Authorizing the Administration to Advertise and Accept Proposals for the Improvement of Real Property Located at 1202 Cedar Street
7.B. Consider Approval of Professional Consultant for Preparation of Asbestos Plan for BHS Renovations and Construction (Government Code 2254.003 Professional Consultant Services)
8. Information Items
8.A. District Wide Calendar
8.B. Enrollment
8.C. Discuss Future Agenda Items
9. Adjournment