August 31, 2023 at 4:30 PM - Called Meeting
Minutes |
1) Call to Order/Establishment of Quorum
2) Pledge of Allegiance
3) Open Forum
4) Discuss, Consider, and Take Possible Action Regarding 2022-2023 Budget Amendment
Dr. Hubbard,
I have attached a revised budget amendment which includes an amount that will be transferred to cover anticipated expenses in the construction fund before the end of the fiscal year. Please let me know if you have any questions. The district's expenditures are projected to be greater than revenues this year, reducing the fund balance by as much. This is primarily due to the approximately $240,000 in security improvements funded by the general fund. Also, an additional $200,000 has been budgeted in 2022-23 to cover construction costs until the bond is funded in 2023-24. At that time, the district will be reimbursed for those costs. |
5) Adjournment