September 21, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Special Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call Special meeting to order @7:00 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Approval of the September 21, 2021, Agenda.
IV. Board Business
IV.A. Review and discuss the pros and cons of a COVID-19 Mitigation Matrix, and then determine if board action will be taken to approve — template attached
IV.B. If action is taken to approve a COVID-19 Mitigation Matrix, the board will discuss and then establish building/district level indicators (numbers, percentages and layered mitigation strategies to be adopted).
If action is not taken to adopt a COVID-19 Mitigation Matrix, please proceed to adjourning the meeting. |
IV.C. Recommendation to authorize funding to hire 4 secondary and 4 elementary EVW staff to provide "after hours" instruction to students in quarantine status.
V. Call for meeting adjournment.