June 12, 2017 at 5:30 PM - Policy Meeting
Minutes |
1. Unpaid Meal Charges: Local Meal Charge Policies
2. 531: The Pledge of Allegiance
3. 605: Alternative Programs
4. 606: Textbooks and Instructional Materials
5. 608: Instructional Services - Special Education
6. 609: Religion
7. 612.1: Development of Parental Involvement Policies for Title 1 Programs
8. 701: Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget
9. 702: Accounting
10. 703: Annual Audit
11. 704: Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System
12. 705: Investments
13. 706: Acceptance of Gifts
14. 711: Videotaping on School Buses
15. 712: Video Surveillance Other Than on Buses
16. 720: Vending Machines
17. 801: Equal Access to School Facilities
18. 802: Disposition of Obsolete Equipment and Material
19. 903: Visitors to the School District Buildings and Sites
20. 303: Superintendent Selection
Changes school 'board' to school 'district'.
21. 405: Veteran's Preference
Adds the requirement that notice of a misconduct hearing include the charges. New note about a probationary period.
22. 425: Staff Development
Change to reflect that the staff development report for the Commissioner should be part of the World's Best Workforce report.
23. 509: Enrollment of Nonresident Students
Adds children of school district staff to those who receive priority status in a lottery if a school district has more open enrollment applications than available space.
24. 513: Student Promotion, Retention, and Program Design
Language added to reflect procedures are required for program assignment, gifted and talented programs, acceleration of gifted and talented students, and early admission to first grade or kindergarten.
25. 525: Violence Prevention
Addition relative to removing violent students from class (reflects new legislation).
26. 601: School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals
27. 603: Curriculum Development
Revisions reflect legislative changes.
28. 604: Instructional Curriculum
Revisions reflect legislative changes.
29. 613: Graduation Requirements
Change reflects change in academic standards testing.
30. 805: Waste Reduction and Recycling
Revisions reflect legislative changes.
31. 515: Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
Non-substantive changes.
32. 602: Organization of School Calendar and School Day
Non-substantive changes.
33. 614: School District Testing Plan and Procedure
Non-substantive changes.
34. 615: Testing of Students with IEPs, 504 Plans, and LEP
Non-substantive changes.
35. 618: Assessment of Student Achievement
Non-substantive changes.
36. 619: Staff Development for Standards
Non-substantive changes.
37. 623: Mandatory Summer School
Non-substantive changes.