July 8, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call - Benko__Brox__Burke__Carritt__Pauly__Pedersen__Vollbrecht__
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Consideration of Agenda
5. Public Comments
Other than Agenda items (Limit 30 minutes, 5 minutes per speaker). During the public comment part of each regular school board meeting, up to 30 minutes of time will be allowed for district constituents to address the school board. Each person may have up to 5 minutes of time to speak. This is a time of "listening" by the school board. The board is here to listen only and will not take action or discuss topics brought forward during the open forum. It may, at its discretion, ask questions for clarification of issues. The board may, if it deems appropriate, bring said issues forward at a subsequent meeting. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS WILL BE ALLOWED. The open forum is the only opportunity for members of the audience to speak out during the meeting.
6. Consensus Items
6.1. Health & Safety Budget
Beth and Tim have worked with IEA to reconcile and import projects into the state H and S data base.
6.2. Health & Safety Policy
The district is required by law to review the H and S policy annually. No changes are suggested at this time.
6.3. Annual Mandated Polcies
Second Reading
6.4. Literacy Plan and Annual Report
This information was presented at our Workshop on June 25th by Carol.
6.5. Donations
6.6. Board Minutes
May 6, 2013 and June 10 and 25, 2013
7. Administrative Reports
8. Action Items
8.1. Sports Care Contract
Annual contract for Sports Medicine services for
2012-13 = $5,000 This contract is the same in 13-14 and has been the same for the past several years. |
8.2. Frandsen Bank - signatures
adding Nicky Knapp and Matt Helgerson to card as authorized signers and removing Kirk Nelson
8.3. Accounts Payable/Receivable Mileage Stipend - $25/month
for daily bank runs
8.4. New Hires
8.4.1. Kristin Dyrhaug-HS EBD
Step 2, Lane 5, $46,039
8.4.2. Ryan Rasmussen - HS Social Studies
Step 3, Lane 1 - $43,849
8.5. Middle School Handbook
Mr. Chambers is presenting the attached handbook for approval. Mr. Chambers stated that there were no major changes to the handbook.
8.6. Community Education Summer Staff Pay
Please see attachment and Nate's recommendation. Brenda spoke with Matt about discussing the proposed increases with the Joint Powers Board.
8.7. Chef Marshall O'Brien
This is a 4 month contract. We are waiting to determine whether or not we are eligible for a SHIP grant in order to continue this for the remainder of the year. The entire year has been budgeted for at last year's contract prices.
8.8. Call for Election
School Board elections for fall, 2013
8.9. Lease Finance Group
This needs to be approved giving Matt the opportunity to sign this lease agreement for the wireless technology upgrade.
8.10. School Board Goals & Communication Plan
8.11. School Reach Instant Parent Communication System
This system would replace Snowcap and expand the capabilities of the district to communicate effectively with parents at all times, including emergency or school closure situations. The 13-14 budget had $4,700 built in for this service and the quote is under budget.
8.12. Applitrack Online Employment Application System
9. Informational
9.1. Staffing Update
Based on the final schedule for the high school, the following update is presented to you, please see attachments. The Board has previously approved $69,306 and with the changes will save an additional $10,178.
9.2. New SW Metro District #
The new district number for the Southwest Metro Educational Cooperative is 6088-50.
9.3. MSBA Summer Leadership Conference
The MSBA Summer Leadership Conference is on August 5, 2013. If you would like to attend, please contact Laurie Jabs and she will register you.
9.4. Middle School Project Planning Updates
Deb, Bob, Joe and I are scheduled to meet with DLR and possibly ICS at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 8th.
9.5. ES Principal Hiring Update
Matt will provide an update following the day's interviews.
10. Adjourn