April 11, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to order and Establish a Quorum
2. Prayer and Pledges
3. Open Forum - Public Comment Allowed on Any Topic
4. Recognitions
5. Deliberation and possible action re: selection and contracting with Job Order Contractor for the Middle School Roof Replacement Project
6. Reports, Announcements and Upcoming Events:
6.A. Principal Reports
6.B. Police Report
6.C. Athletic Reports
6.D. Head Start Report
6.E. Benchmark Data - Deana Ramsey
7. Consider for Approval 2022-2023 TEKS Certification Form
8. Selection of Two Board Members to Canvass May 7 Election results and select date/time for canvass
9. Consider for Approval Changing May Regular Meeting
10. Annual Report on Board Member Training Hours
11. Consider for Approval Resolution to Pay Employees During COVID Closure
12. Consider for Approval Resolution Concerning Review of Investment Policies and Investment Strategies
13. Consider for Approval Interlocal Bid Participation Agreement for 2022-2023
14. Consider for Approval Purchase of a CATE Activity Bus
15. Consent agenda
15.A. Consider Minutes from previous meeting(s)
15.B. Financial Report
16. Superintendent Report
16.A. Personnel Report
16.B. April 21 - Texas Scholars Program 9am
16.C. April 30 - Wrestling Event at 7:30 pm
17. Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to the following Texas Government Code Sections:
1. 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney a. Consultation with school district attorney regarding pending or potential litigation or administrative proceedings, matters and regarding other confidential matters. 2. 551.074 - Personnel Matters a. Superintendent Contract b. Administrator Contract c. Teacher Contract Renewals d. WRRSSA Contract Renewals e. Employment of Professional Staff |
18. Reconvene into Open Session to Consider Matters Discussed in Closed Session (If Any)
19. Adjourn