February 8, 2011 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Opening of Meeting
2. Student and Staff Recognition
2.a. MacArthur - Future Cities Regional Competition Award
2.b. Trevor Payne, SRAC, Honorable Mention in National Competition; instructor: Molly McNeece
3. Report of Student Representatives
4. Report of Superintendent
4.a. Superintendent: Dr. Wanda Cook-Robinson
4.b. Deputy Superintendent: Dr. Ken Siver
4.c. Budget and Finance: Ms. Debbie Tremp
4.d. Human Resources/Labor Relations: Mr. David Turner
4.e. Instruction: Ms. Lynda Wood
5. Action Items
5.a. Consent Agenda
5.b. Report #49-72, Network Maintenance Agreement
5.c. Report #49-73, Magnolia Center Contract
5.d. Report #49-74, Extension of Contract - Linda Brown
5.e. Report #49-75, 1st Appropriations Act
6. Information Items
7. Public Participation
8. Board Matters
9. Future Meetings
9.a. February 15, Student Hearings
9.b. February 21-25, Mid-Winter Recess
9.c. March 1, Student Hearings
9.d. March 8, Regular Meeting
10. Adjournment