March 24, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence
3. Consideration of Agenda
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the agenda as presented. |
4. Visitor Comments/Public Forum
4.1. Tiger Pride - We Are Proud Of and/or Would Like to Recognize...
4.1.1. Tiger Pride - MAES PE
5. Presentations
5.1. Jeanine Bowman - Food Service Presentation
5.2. Superintendent Monson - Achievement & Integration
6. Celebrate and Recognize Good News, Gifts, and Donations
6.1. Recognize and accept donations from various individuals and groups
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Resolution For Acceptance of Gifts.
Recommended motion to approve the Resolution For Acceptance of Gifts. (roll call vote) |
7. Approve Consent Agenda
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Consent Agenda. |
7.1. Finances
7.1.1. Review and approve claims, accounts, and financial information
7.2. Meeting Minutes
7.2.1. February 18, 2025 regular meeting
7.3. Personnel
7.3.1. Approve Family Medical Leave for Keyshla Gonzalez, Paraeducator, beginning on March 21, 2025.
7.3.2. Approve Family Medical Leave for Chyrstel Lange, from March 20-28, 2025.
7.3.3. Approve resignation from Madeline Fowler, Paraeducator
7.3.4. Approve resignation from Anna Backman, Paraeducator
7.3.5. Approve resignation from Kyle Rose, Wrestling Coach
7.3.6. Approve Clare Ballantyne, Elementary Office Manager starting on March 24, 2025
7.3.7. Approve Jason Fjeld, Interim PT Mechanic
7.3.8. Approve Alison Hennen, Custodian
7.3.9. Approve Jacqueline Moreno, Special Education Paraeducator
7.3.10. Approve Kyra Franklin, Paraeducator Substitute
7.3.11. Approve Travis Fults, Spring Play Tech Director
7.3.12. Approve Stephanie Ferrian, JH Track Coach
7.3.13. Approve Lilly Giggee, 7th Grade Softball Coach
7.3.14. Approve Reid Rose, 8th Grade Softball Coach
7.3.15. Approve Jacob Heid - Varsity Assistant Baseball Coach
7.3.16. Approve Justin Daly, 9th Grade Baseball Coach
7.3.17. Approve resignation from Megan Olmscheid, Elementary Teacher
8. Items Removed from Consent Agenda
9. Review Management and Administrative Reports
9.1. Scott Turnbull, Activities Director/Dean of Students
9.2. Tony Reimers, Community Education Director
9.3. Eric Ose, Elementary Principal
9.4. Bill Kehoe, High School Principal
9.5. Shane Monson, Superintendent
10. School Board Reports
10.1. MSHSL/Activities/Athletics/Athletic Facilities/Schedule C (Urrutia Calvo)
10.2. Regional Fitness Center (Goodnough)
10.3. Wellness (Seales)
10.4. Personnel/Meet & Confer (Goodnough/Konz/Urrutia Calvo)
Non-Licensed (Just/Goodnough) Licensed (Wulf/Konz) |
10.5. Finance & Facilities/Building Committee (Konz/Wulf/Johnson)
10.6. Curriculum/Policy/Strategic Planning Committee (Goodnough/Just/Seales)
10.7. Midwest Special Education Cooperative (Just)
10.8. Community Education (Urrutia Calvo)
10.9. Comprehensive Achievement and Civic Readiness (Wulf/Seales)
11. Consider Previous Business
11.1. Policy Review - Second Reading
ACTION Any recommended changes are shown since the last reading. Recommended motion to approve the second and final reading of these policies as presented. |
11.1.1. 516 - Student Medication and Telehealth
11.1.2. 516.5 - Overdose Medication
11.1.3. 518 - DNR-DNI Orders
11.1.4. 519 - Interviews of Students By Outside Agencies
12. Consider New Business
12.1. Policy Review - First Reading
INFORMATION/DISCUSSION All of these policies are in place and being reviewed as part of the normal policy review cycle. Any recommended changes are shown. No action necessary; other than to recognize the first reading of these policies as presented. |
12.1.1. 520 - Student Surveys
12.1.2. 521 - Student Disability Nondiscrimination
12.1.3. 523 - Policies Incorporated By Reference
12.1.4. 524.5 - Personal Electronic Communication Devices
12.2. Midwest Special Education Cooperative Rental Agreement
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Midwest Special Education Cooperative Rental Agreement effective July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2027. |
12.3. Resolution Nonrenewing a Probationary Teacher
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Resolution Nonrenewing Probationary Teacher, Celeste Rapp. |
12.4. Achievement & Integration Plan
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Achievement and Integration Plan as presented. |
12.5. Amended 2025-2026 School Calendar
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the amended FY2025-2026 School Calendar as presented by the Calendar Committee. |
12.6. FY2026-2027 School Calendar
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the FY2026-2027 School Calendar as presented by the Calendar Committee. |
12.7. Advertisement for Bid/Solicitation For Quotes
ACTION Recommended motion to approve the Advertisement for Bid/Solicitation For Quotes for the building project. |
13. Other Items Deemed Appropriate by the Board
13.1. School Board Calendar Review
April 17 -- School Board Special Meeting, 12:00 pm - District Office Conference Rm April 21 -- School Board Meeting, 5:30 pm - HS Media Center |
14. Adjournment