December 21, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
A. OPEN SESSION Policy Number Section: 2:220
B. ROLL CALL Policy Number Section 2:220
Mr. Hansen and Mrs. Roberson - 4th Grade
Mr. Hansen & Mrs. Roberson 4th Grade
F. PUBLIC COMMENT Policy Number Section 2:230
Comments are limited to 3 minutes and will be heard in the following order on the Agenda: 1.) Public comments pertaining to Agenda items will be heard BEFORE Old and New Business. |
G. FOIA REQUEST Policy Number Section: 2:250
G.1. Matt Cohen and Associates requested copies of any emails, communication, board minutes
and/or notes to or from district staff and/or board members regarding Special Education transportation companies over the past four years.
Dr. Janiece Jackson
Winter Break December 22, 2021-January 5, 2022
I. CONSENT AGENDA Policy Number Section: 2:220
I.1. Recommended Approval of Lindop District 92 Payroll for November 17 - December 21, 2021, in the amount of $436,441.54.
I.2. Recommended Approval of Lindop District 92 Accounts Payable for November 16, 2021 - December 21, 2021, in the amount of $395,916.46.
I.3. Recommended Approval of Activity Account Reconciliation for October 2021.
I.4. Recommended Approval of the Regular Open Session Meeting Minutes for November 16, 2021.
I.5. Recommended Approval of the Regular Closed Session Meeting Minutes for November 16, 2021.
I.6. Recommended Approval to approve Policies 6:10 Educational Philosophy and Objectives; 6:15 School Accountability; 6:20 School Year Calendar; 6:30 Organization of Instruction; 6:40 Curriculum Development; 6:50 School Wellness; 6:65 Student Social and Emotional Development; 6:70 Teaching About Religions; 6:80 Teaching About Controversial Issues; 6:100 Using Animals in the Educational Program; 6:110 Programs for Students At of Academic Failure and/or Dropping Out of School and Graduation Incentives Program; 6:120 Education of Children with Disabilities; 6:130 Program for the Gifted; 6:135 Accelerated Placement Program; 6:140 Education of Homeless Children; 6:145 Migrant Students; 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction; 6:160 English Learners; 6:170 Title I Programs; 6:180 Extended Instructional Programs; 6:190 Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Activities; 6:210 Instructional Materials; 6:230 Library Media Program; 6:235 Access to Electronic Network and Technology and Internet Safety; 6:240 Field Trips and Recreational Class Trips; 6:250 Community Resource Persons and Volunteers; 6:255 Assemblies and Ceremonies; 6:260 Complaints About Curriculum, Instructional Materials, and Programs; 6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program; 6:280 Grading and Promotion; 6:290 Homework; 6:315 High School Credit for Students in Grade 7 or 8; 6:330 Achievement and Awards; and 6:340 Student Testing and Assessment Program, with a Review Date of December 21, 2021.
J. OLD BUSINESS Policy Number Section: 2:20
J.1. Update on Life Safety Projects and Potential Bond Issuance.
Mr. Scott Beranek and Mr. Andrew Arndt, Baird
J.2. Update on FY 22 Maintenance Grant - Tuckpointing.
Mr. Scott Beranek
K. NEW BUSINESS Policy Number Section 2:20
K.1. Presentation on data and discipline.
K.2. Discussion on Prior Year Levy Adjustment for Tax Year 2021.
K.3. Recommended Approval to offer TRS 457 plan to eligible employees.
Mr. Scott Beranek
K.4. Discussion on FY21 Audit - First Read Draft.
K.5. Discussion on the Extension of Nutrition Procurement with Taher for the 2022-2023 school year.
Mr. Scott Beranek
K.6. Recommended Approval of First Read of Review and Monitor Cycle - Section 6: Instruction Policies: 6:60 Curriculum Content; 6:185 Remote Educational Programs; 6:220 Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Program; Responsible Use and Conduct; 6:310 High School Credit for Non-Direct Experiences, Course Substitutions, and Re-Entering Students; with District Edits as Presented.
K.7. Recommended Approval that the Board of Education fund the 8th Grade luncheon, Friday, May 13, 2022, on the Odyssey - Lake Michigan (City Experiences) for $3,500.00 and Windy City Limousine and Bus transportation for $1,870.00 at a total cost of $5,370.00, to be paid from the Education Fund.
K.8. Discussion on Triple I Conference, November 2021.
O. COMMITTEE REPORTS Policy Number Section: 2:150
1. Finance Committee Meeting - Ms. Joiner-Herrod / Ms. Griffin -, December 20, 2021, Next Meeting Date is TBD. 2. Personnel Committee Meeting - Ms. Joiner-Herrod / Ms. Griffin - Next Meeting Date is TBD. 3. PAEC Governing Board - Mr. Dawson / Mr. Morris – November 17, 2021, and December 15, 2021, Next Meeting is Wednesday, January 19, 2022 at 6:00 P.M. 4. Safety/ SEL Committee Meeting - Mr. Morris / Mr. Hannah - Meeting Date - December 8, 2021. Next Meeting Date is TBD. 5. Policy Committee Meeting - Mr. Dawson / Ms. Williams-Wolford – Meeting Date - Wednesday, December 1, 2021, at 5:30 P.M. Next Meeting Date is Wednesday, January 12, 2022. 6. PERA/CIA Committee Meeting - Mr. Morris / Ms. Taylor - Next Meeting Date is TBD. 7. Technology Committee Meeting - Mr. Hannah / Ms. Taylor - Next Meeting Date is TBD. 8. Strategic Planning Committee - Ms. Joiner-Herrod / Ms. Williams-Wolford - Ad Hoc (activated when needed) 9. Bond Referendum Committee - Mr. Dawson / Mr. Hannah - Ad Hoc (activated when needed) |
P. PUBLIC COMMENT Policy Number Section 2:230
2.) All other comments will be heard AFTER Old and New Business, and before Executive Session. If there are several comments concerning a particular agenda item and/or topic, the Board respectfully requests that there is ONE speaker selected to represent the group. |
Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION Policy Number Section: 2:220-E2
“I move that the Board go into closed session under 5 ILCS 120/2 ( c ) (1), (4), (8), (9), and (10) to discuss:- The appointment, employment compensation, discipline, or performance, of specific employees of the public body, evidence or testimony presented in open hearing, or in closed hearing where specifically authorized by law, security procedures, school building safety and security, student disciplinary cases, and the placement of individual students in special education programs and other matters relating to individual students at X:XX p.m. |
R. RECONVENE OPEN SESSION Policy Number Section 2:220-E2
R.1. Student (1)
R.1.a. I move that, based upon and after the Board's consideration of the evidence and testimony of the expulsion hearing held on December 16, 2021, the Board of Education finds that Student No. 11452 has committed acts of gross misconduct as outlined by the District's Administration, in violation of Board Policy 7:190, Student Behavior and hereby approve and ratifies the action taken by administration when issuing the December 14, 2021, determination letter on behalf of the Board.
Based upon such gross misconduct, the student’s continuing presence in school posed a threat to the safety of other students, staff, or members of the school community, and substantially disrupted, impeded, or interfered with the operation of the school. The Board finds that prior to considering a recommendation for expulsion, the District’s Administration previously attempted other behavioral and disciplinary interventions and also determined there are no other appropriate and available behavioral and disciplinary interventions. The Board finds that based on evidence presented to the hearing officer removing Student No. 11452 from the learning environment is in the best interest of the school because his behavior poses a threat to the safety of other students, staff or school community and substantially disrupts, impedes or interferes with the operation of the school. The Board finds that based on evidence presented to the hearing officer the duration of Student No. 11452’s expulsion is appropriate and takes into account the intervention history of the student, the severity of the behavior and risk of harm to students and school community, the substantial disruption of the school and instruction, and ongoing impact on the school environment. I move that the Board of Education expel Student No. 11452 from Lindop School District #92 for the remainder of the 2021-2022 school year, but that the expulsion be held in abeyance and Student No. 11452 be administratively transferred to an alternative school as determined by the District’s Administration, pursuant to Article 13A of the Illinois School Code. The expulsion being held in abeyance is contingent upon the student’s full participation, during the remainder of the 2021-2022 school year, in the alternative school program, including regularly attending school; complying with attendance policies, school rules, and any referrals for services or counseling made by the alternative school; and successfully completing the alternative school’s curriculum. I move that, should Student No. 11452 fail to fully participate in the alternative school program and the alternative school refers the student back to the District, Student No. 11452 shall be immediately expelled from Lindop School District #92 for the remainder of the District Administration’s recommended expulsion duration, for the remainder of the 2021-2022 school year. |
R.2. Personnel (2)
R.2.a. Recommended Approval and Acceptance of tenured teacher, Ms. Regina Tanksley intent to retire June 30, 2024.
R.2.b. Recommended Approval to hire Mrs. Charlotte K. Eames, 6th grade Science teacher at a prorated salary of $29,749.90 effective January 3, 2022, pending successful background check.
1. Next Regular Session Board of Education Meeting: When: January 18, 2022 Where: Lindop School (Gymnasium) |