March 17, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order - Heather Kearns, President
I.1. Welcome
I.2. Mission Statement
I.3. Pledge of Allegiance
I.4. Board Roll Call ~ Kearns, Abraham, Withers, Kartes, Miller, Biermann, Lehman.
I.5. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
II. Communication
II.1. Community and Public Comment ~
Please state your name and city of residence for the record, and limit your comments to three minutes
II.2. Presentation of Top Ten 2025 OHHS Graduating Seniors by Principal Trisha Ziegler:
Adrienne Walby, Valedictorian; Lucas Swietyniowski, Salutatorian; Somer Sappington, Kyler Weisend, Ava Stinson, Natalie Somerfield, Gavin Ratliff, Margaret McNamara, Adysen Kartes, and Chloe Trombley. |
II.2.a. A short reception following the introduction of students.
II.3. Superintendent's Report
II.3.a. Good Things
II.3.b. Bond Project
II.3.c. Sinking Fund Renewal
II.3.c.1) The Lockout Co. ~ Smart Boot System
II.3.d. Acknowledge Resignations Received
II.3.d.1) Donna Scott, Media Aide at Surline Middle School with 1 year of service, effective March 14, 2025.
II.3.d.2) Cody VanGoethem, Boys Assistant Track Coach to accept Boys Head Track Coach position, effective February 7, 2025.
II.3.e. Enrollment Summary
III. Board of Education Action Agenda
III.1. Consent Agenda
Motion by: Supported by:
Motion: to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. _________________________________________________________ |
III.1.a. C: Regular Meeting Minutes for Monday, February 17, 2025.
III.1.b. C: Committee of the Whole Minutes for Monday, March 10, 2025.
III.1.c. C: Finance Report
III.1.d. C: Personnel ~ Approve Retirement
III.1.d.1) Amy Qugley, Teacher at Surline Elementary School with 25 years of service, effective June 30, 2025.
III.1.d.2) Janette Smith, Title I Paraprofessional at Surline Elementary School with 23 years of service, effective July 1, 2025.
III.2. Personnel: New Hires
Motion by: Supported by: Motion: to approve new hire(s) as listed below and as presented: Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. ________________________________________________________ |
III.2.a. Lane Matthews, Girls Assistant Track Coach at Ogemaw Heights High School, effective March 10, 2025, paid through EduStaff per Supplmentary Services Pay Schedule, 6%, Step 1.
III.2.b. Heather Munson, Varsity Volleyball Coach at Ogemaw Heights High School, effective March 17, 2025, paid through EduStaff per Supplementary Services Pay Schedule, 8%, Step 2.
III.3. Adopt - 2024-2025 Budget Amendment #1
Motion by: Supported by:
Motion: to adopt Budget Amendment #1 for the 2024-2025 school year, as presented. Any discussion? Roll Call ~ Abraham, Withers, Kartes, Miller, Biermann, Lehman, Kearns. Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. _________________________________________________________ |
III.4. Approve - Purchase from Fruhauf Uniforms, Inc. for Music Department Program
Motion by: Supported by: Motion: to approve the band uniforms purchase from Fruhauf Uniforms, Inc. for Ogemaw Heights High School Music Department Program in the amount of $63,389.00, as presented: Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. ________________________________________________________ |
III.5. Approve - Purchase from Wood-Mizer for OHHS CTE Program
Motion by: Supported by: Motion: to approve the sawmill purchase from Wood-Mizer for Ogemaw Heights High School CTE Program in the amount of $45,909.10, as presented: Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. ________________________________________________________ |
III.6. Approve - Purchases from Rogers for Athletic Program
Motion by: Supported by: Motion: to approve the weight room equipment purchase in the amount of $50,509.80 and installation in the amount of $4,500.00 from Rogers for Ogemaw Heights High School for a total amount of $55,009.80, as presented: Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. ________________________________________________________ |
III.7. Approve - Purchase from SPEC Athletic for Athletic Program
Motion by: Supported by: Motion: to approve the weight room flooring and installation quote from SPEC Athletics for Ogemaw Heights High School for a total amount of $19,276.95, as presented: Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. ________________________________________________________ |
III.8. Approve - Purchase from Resilite for Athletic Program
Motion by: Supported by: Motion: to approve the wrestling mat purchase from Resilite for Ogemaw Heights High School in the amount of $20,787.35, as presented: Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. ________________________________________________________ |
III.9. Approve - Surline Middle and Ogemaw Heights High School Science Department Curriculum Change
Motion by: Supported by:
Motion: to approve the new OpenSciEd course offerings for grades 5 through 12 at Surline Middle and Ogemaw Heights High Schools, as presented. Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. _____________________________________________________________ |
III.10. Approve - Addendum to Memorandum of Understanding with West Branch City Police
Motion by: Supported by:
Motion: to approve the Addendum of Memorandum of Understanding between West Branch-Rose City Area Schools and West Branch Police Department, as presented. Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. _____________________________________________________________ |
III.11. Approve - New Surline Elementary School Assistant Principal Position
Motion by: Supported by:
Motion: to approve authorizing the Superintendent to add a new Assistant Principal position at Surline Elementary School, as presented. Any discussion? Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. _________________________________________________________ |
III.12. Approve - Closed Session to Discuss Negotiations
Motion by: Supported by: Motion: to approve a closed session to discuss Negotiations under Section 8(c) of the Open Meetings Act which permits closed meetings to consider material exempt from discussion or disclosure by the state or federal statute, at ___________ p.m. Any discussion? Roll Call ~ Abraham, Withers, Kartes, Miller, Biermann, Stephens, Kearns Ayes: Nays: Motion carried. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Board President reconvened into open session at ________ p.m. _____________________________________________________ |