June 21, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
A. Introduction of Meeting and Pledge of Allegiance
B. Public Comments
C. Public Meeting to Discuss District's 2021-2022 Budget and Proposed Tax Rate
D. Public Meeting to Discuss District's Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
E. Public Meeting to Discuss Spending Plan for ARP: ESSER Federal Funds
F. Public Meeting to Discuss Federal Program Funds
G. Closed Meeting (TX Govt Code 551.071/551.072/551.074/551.082)
G.1. Personnel Concerns
G.2. Discuss Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property
G.3. Safety/Security
G.4. Consultation with Board Attorney
H. Reconvene for Open Meeting
I. Information Items
I.1. Superintendent's Report
I.1.a. Financial Update
I.1.b. Instructional Update
I.1.c. Policy Update 117
J. Consent Items (All items listed under this subheading will be adopted with one motion unless they are removed from the Consent Agenda by a Trustee or the Superintendent for discussion.)
J.1. Approve Minutes of May 17, 2021 Regular Meeting, May 27, 2021 Special Meeting, and June 14, 2021 Special Meeting
J.2. Consider Monthly Expenditures for May 2021
The monthly expenditures is presented for the Board of Trustee review in the Revenue and Expenditures Report and the Check Register in the Financial Update Section.
J.3. Consider Memorandum of Understanding with TCU and White Settlement ISD
The Memorandum of Understanding will allow a full time counselor to work on the Brewer High School campus and assist students with college enrollment. This MOU with White Settlement Independent School District has three main goals: 1. increase college enrollment of Brewer High School graduates; 2. expand the range of colleges and universities to which students apply and in which they enroll; and 3. work with principals, counselors and teachers to foster a school-wide-college-going culture.
J.4. Consider Approval of Purchasing Cooperatives for the 2021-2022 School Year
The attached list represents the purchasing cooperatives that have been previously approved by the board. Any fees charged by the cooperative is also listed. Purchasing cooperatives assist the district in purchasing goods and services at competitive prices, as well as ensuring that the district is complying with state and federal purchasing laws.
This expense will be included in the 2021-2022 fiscal year budget. |
J.5. Consider Approval of Vendor List for the 2021-2022 School Year
The district has accepted bids from prospective vendors and has created the attached proposed vendor list for the 2021-2022 school year.
J.6. Consider Approval of Contracts with Region XI Education Service Center for the 2021-2022 School Year
The district contracts the following services through the Region XI Education Service Center.
The total cost of $151,774.95 is included in the 2021-2022 proposed budget. The TEK Resource System is funded by Tittle II Federal Funds. |
J.7. Consider Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for JJAEP
The Juvenile Board, in cooperation with the Districts, will provide the juvenile justice alternative educational programming as specified in Chapter 37, Texas Education Code, either through the direct provision of services or through a contractual agreement with an education provider. The programming will be managed by Tarrant County Juvenile Services ("TCJS").
J.8. Consider Approval of Vendors for Special Education Contract Services for the 2021-2022 School Year
The District released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Professional/Consulting Services for Special Education. We received 12 responses. The District recommends approving the following vendors:
These services are funded through the District's Special Education Federal Grant, IDEA-B. The estimated annual expenditures for these services is $50,000. |
K. Separate Items
K.1. Consider an Order Calling a Bond Election
District personnel recommend the Board of Trustees call a bond election to address the growth, grade realignment, and capital improvements as presented to the School Board on May 27, 2021 by the Long-Range Facility Planning Committee 2021 (see attached presentation).
The proposition A will read as follows: For _______ Against ________ The issuance of $115,000,000 of bonds by the White Settlement Independent School District for school facilities and sites and levying the tax in payment thereof. This is a property tax increase. |
K.2. Consider Adoption of 2021-2022 General Fund, Child Nutrition Fund, and Debt Service Fund Budgets
The 2021-22 budget will be presented as part of the public hearing to discuss budget and proposed tax rates. The following is a summary of the proposed budget:
Revenue Expenditures Net Change General Fund $59,360,052 $60,970,835 (-1,610,483) Child Nutrition 3,622,000 3,622,000 0 Debt Service 12,307,200 12,141,759 165,442 |
K.3. Consider Approval of Compensation Plan and Employee Raises for the 2021-2022 School Year
The district recommends, as part of the 2021-2022 fiscal year budget, an average pay increase of 2%. Teachers and librarians will receive their step increases plus $800. All other staff will receive 2% of the midpoint of their pay grade.
The attached Compensation Plan includes the proposed Teacher and Librarian, Administration, Paraprofessional, and Auxiliary pay schedules for the 2021-2022 school year. |
K.4. Consider Revision to Policy CE (Local)
The proposed changes to the policy are to add to the policy the guidelines for the level of fund balance required. The changes propose adding a formula used to determine the amount that must be maintained in the general fund balance.
This level of detail in the policy will help with the bond rating process and possibly permit us to get a better rating. |
K.5. Consider Resolution to Assign General Fund Balance
The resolution will set aside oil and gas revenue of $52,352.64 earned during the 2020-2021 school year. THe oil and gas reserve is for future technology needs.
Previous Reserve Balance at 6-30-2020 $ 1,386,429 Add: 2020-2021 oil and gas revenue 52,353 Total Reserve $ 1,438,782 The resolution will reverse the previous assignment of general fund balance made in August 2020 in the amount of $1,386,429. |
K.6. Consider Revision to Policy EIC (Local)
The proposed revision to Policy EIC (Local) includes revisions to GPA and class ranking guidelines to begin with the 2021-2022 school year.
L. Consider Items Discussed in Closed Meeting Including Personnel
L.1. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding Termination of Term Contract Teacher
L.2. Consider Other Items Discussed in Closed Meeting Including Personnel
M. Adjourn