January 23, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order and Introduction of Board Members and Visitors
II. Public Comment
III. Superintendent's Reports
III.A. Highlights on Early Childhood
III.B. Mid-Year Student Growth Update
III.C. Multi-Year Facilities Improvement Plan
III.D. Mid-Year Strategic Plan Progress Report
III.E. Superintendent's Report
IV. Reading and Acceptance of Minutes
IV.A. December 19, 2019 - Board of Education Regular Meeting
V. Approval of Consent Agenda
V.A. Personnel Report
V.A.1. Licensed
V.A.1.a. Recommendation for Leave of Absence
V.A.1.b. Recommendation for Resignation
V.A.1.c. Recommendation for Retirement
V.A.2. Classified
V.A.2.a. Recommendation for Resignation
V.B. Financial Reports
V.B.1. Regular
V.B.2. Activity
V.C. Approval of Pay Orders and Expenditures
V.D. Board of Education Policy - 2nd Reading
V.D.1. 4:15 Identity Protection
V.D.2. 4:30 Revenues and Investments
V.D.3. 4:60 Purchases and Contracts
V.D.4. 4:80 Accounting and Audits
V.D.5. 5:100 Staff Development Program
V.D.6. 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal
V.D.7. 5:220 Substitute Teachers
VI. Reports and Discussion Items
VI.A. Draft Board of Education 2020-2021 Meeting Calendar
VI.B. Board of Education Policy - 1st Reading
VI.B.1. 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
VI.B.2. 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited
VI.B.3. 5:20 E Resolution
VI.B.4. 5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria
VI.B.5. 5:50 Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace-Tobacco Prohibition
VI.B.6. 5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
VI.B.7. 5:120 Ethics and Conduct
VI.B.8. 5:250 Leaves of Absence
VI.B.9. 5:290 Employment Termination
VI.B.10. 5:330 Sick Days, Bereavement, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves
VII. Action Item(s)
VII.A. Bus Leases 2020
VIII. Communication and Information
VIII.A. Freedom of Information Act Request(s)
IX. Adjournment