October 21, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Establish a Quorum
1.2. Pledge of Allegiance
1.3. Prayer
2. Public Forum
3. Administrative Reports
3.1. Principal's Reports
3.1.1. Enrollment,
3.1.2. Discipline Reports
3.1.3. Upcoming events
3.2. November Date
3.3. Athletic Directors Report
3.3.1. Upcoming events
3.3.2. Latest Results
3.4. Superintendent Report
3.4.1. Upcoming events
| Junior High UIL academic early release December 15th and 16th.
3.4.2. Awards/Recognitiions
3.4.3. Testing
| Adequate Yearly Progress
4.1. Minutes of the regular meeting on September 15, 2008.
4.2. Financial report
4.3. Discuss possible agreement with Walker Quality Services for food service operation
4.4. Consider change of DEC local in regards to local leave days
4.5. Consider approval of FNAA(LOCAL) and FNAB(LOCAL)
4.6. Approval of FFA National Convention in Indianaplois, IN - October 22nd - October 25th.
4.7. Consider approval of the resolution regarding extracurricular status of 4-H oraganization.
4.8. Discuss possible construction of reservior behind athletic facility