October 23, 2023 at 5:45 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to order
2. Approval of Meeting Agenda
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________ |
3. Work Session
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Program Review
5.A. Website survey results - Bobbie Dahlke, Communications Coordinator
6. Consent Agenda
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________ |
6.A. School Board Minutes
6.B. Financial Affairs
6.B.1. Current Budget Status with Year-to-Date Adjustments
6.B.2. CARES Act Budgets
6.B.3. Investment Transactions
6.B.4. ACH/EFT Transfers
6.B.5. Minnesota Liquid Asset Fund
6.B.6. Cash Report
6.B.7. Revenue Report by Fund
6.B.8. Expense Report by Fund
6.B.9. Expense Report by Program
6.B.10. Expense Report by Object
6.B.11. List of Bills Presented for Payment
7. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Roll Call Vote: ____________ |
8. Personnel Matters
Motion: ____________ Second: ____________ Vote: ____________ |
9. Administrative Reports
9.A. Superintendent
9.B. Principals:
9.B.1. Mrs. Thompson
9.B.2. Mr. Voight
9.B.3. Mrs. Schultz
9.C. Business Manager
9.D. Community Education/Activities Director
10. Student Board Representatives Report
11. Board Reports
11.A. MAWSECO, Amy Johnson
11.B. Wright Tech Center, Jim Gierke
11.C. Safe Schools, Rachel Depa
12. Old Business
13. New Business
13.A. 2023-2024 Q-Comp Plan, Megan Gibas and Maria Menz.
13.B. Tiger Drive Repaving Bid
Motion:__________ Second:__________ Vote:_____ |
14. Public Comment: School patrons are given the opportunity to address the school board regarding items that are not on the agenda. All patrons will be asked to state their name and address for the record. While the board appreciates feedback from the public in this forum, board members will not comment on or discuss topics brought up by speakers at this time.
15. Adjournment