May 21, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Project Update
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approve Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of April 16, 2014
4.B. Approve Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of April 24, 2014
4.C. Approve the payment of the bills for operating expenses of $193,614.22, payroll expenses of $295,171.72, and Special Reserve Expenses of $15,757.00, for a total monthly expense of $504,542.94
4.D. Approve the resignation of Mary Byrne from the part-time position of Outreach Services Assistant effective May 2, 2014; the resignation of Barb Palac from the part-time position of Adult Services Assistant effective May 13, 2014; the resignation of Aileen Hannon from the part-time position of Patron Services Assistant effective June 9, 2014; the appointment of Aileen Hannon to the 20 hour per week position of Outreach Services Assistant, at a rate of $13.50 per hour, effective June 10, 2014; the retirement of Sue Brice from the full-time position of Page Services Supervisor effective June 30, 2014; the retirement of Don Burkhart from the full-time position of IT Services Supervisor effective June 30, 2014; the retirement of Kathy Pricone from the full-time position of Patron Services Supervisor effective June 30, 2014; the retirement of Janet Weiser from the full-time position of Patron Services Assistant effective June 30, 2014; the appointment of Williette Nyanue to the part-time 15 hours per week position of Kid/Teen Assistant at a rate of $15.00 per hour, effective May 19, 2014; the appointment of Linda Zielstra-Sawyer to the part-time 20 hours per week position of Kids/Teen Librarian at a rate of $26.90 per hour, effective June 9, 2014.
5. Public Comment
6. Treasurer's Report
6.A. Review Financial Report
7. Director's Report
7.A. Highlights
7.B. Monthly Statistics
7.C. Retirement Incentive Plan Wrap-Up
8. Communications
9. Committee Reports
9.A. Special Reserve Plan Committee
9.B. Employee Benefits Committee
10. Liaison Reports
10.A. Friends of the Library
10.B. Legislative
11. New Business
11.A. Approve the recommended revision to Policy 3.05, Lending Regulations
11.B. Approve the recommended Organization Charts
11.C. Approve the recommended creation of the Digital Services Department and the related job descriptions
11.D. Approve the recommended creation of the Patron Services Department and the related job descriptions
11.E. Approve the recommended changes to the Youth and Teen Services Supervisor and Teen Librarian job descriptions
11.F. Discussion on 2014/2015 Budget
11.G. Discussion on Health Insurance Renewal
12. Unfinished Business
13. Executive Session- To discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the Niles Public Library District; collective negotiating matters between the Niles Public Library District and its employees or their representatitves, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees; pending and/or probable litigation; discussion of minutes of closed session meetings.
14. Executive Session Action - To accept Klein Thorpe and Jenkins' recommendation to settle the tax rate objection suit for 2005-2006 at 1 mil ($11,085.25).
15. Other
15.A. Discuss the need for a Special Board Meeting on Thursday, June 5th for the purpose of discussing the budget
15.B. Discuss the date for the July Board Meeting
16. Adjournment