October 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
All attendees will be required to wear a face mask if attending the Board Meeting
Roll Call / Visitors
Pledge of Allegiance
Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (those wishing to speak will be given time to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items)
* Consent Agenda
Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of September 15, 2021
Approve Closed Session Minutes of September 15, 2021
Approve Payment of September Payroll/October Warrants
Approve Personnel (sec. 5) and Curriculum and Instruction (sec. 6) Board Policies
Approve the Superintendent's Goals for the 2021-22 School Year
Approve October 2021 Personnel Report
Reports and Discussion Items
Informational Updates
Special Education Review Update
COVID Dashboard Update
Administrative Reports
Elementary and Middle School 2021-22 Improvement Plans
Middle School Schedule Update
Review Finance (sec. 4) Board Policies
Superintendent Evaluation Tool
Proposed Tax Levy
Adopt Proposed Tax Levy/Authorization re: Public Hearing Notice
Governance Team Book Study
Items for Next Agenda:
Strategic Blueprint: Technology Scope and Sequence; Tax Levy Hearing; Adopt Tax Levy; Audit Report; Approve Finance (sec. 4) Board Policies.
Open Forum: Board Policy 2:230 (those wishing to speak will be given time to address the Board regarding agenda or non-agenda items)
Closed Session
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity
Written Reports