September 2, 2015 at 9:30 AM - Administrative Leadership Team Meeting
Minutes |
I. Welcome
I.A. Skyward Discipline
I.B. Celebrations - Professional or Personal
I.C. Questions on Previous Meeting Minutes
II. Member Items
II.A. Informational Items:
II.A.1. Meeting Location
II.A.2. Differentiated Instruction PD update
II.A.3. Evaluwise Teacher Logins - When do we want these sent out?
II.B. Discussion Items:
II.B.1. Custodial Rotation
II.B.2. Skyward
II.B.2.a. Grade Book
II.B.3. Stipend Positions
II.B.4. Team Rotations and Postings
II.B.5. Second set of Textbooks
II.B.6. School Supply Drop-off / Back to School Nights
II.B.7. Student Services Calendar
II.B.8. BCBA Services
II.B.9. Senate Bill 100 (SB 100) Public Act 99-456
II.C. Action Items:
II.C.1. Action on any discussion items
II.D. Other:
III. Next Meeting – September 9th - Location MJH
IV. Communication Plan: Minutes - Mike. Minutes will be posted on BoardBooks.