March 25, 2014 at 9:30 AM - Administrative Leadership Team Meeting
Minutes |
I. Welcome
I.A. Celebrations - Professional or Personal
I.B. Review of Previous Meeting Minutes
II. Member Items
II.A. Informational Items:
II.A.1. Maintenance Reassignments
II.A.1.a. Director of Buildings and Grounds
II.A.1.b. Assistant Director of Buildings and Grounds
II.A.1.c. Lead Maintenance Person/Maintenance Foreman
II.A.2. ALT Meeting Times for 2014-2015
II.A.3. Summer Hours
II.A.4. Kinderbridge
II.B. Discussion Items:
II.B.1. Certified Staff Evaluation-New
II.B.2. Maintenance Workorder Process PDF
II.B.3. ALT Meeting Day and Time 2014-2015
II.B.4. District "Garage Sale"
II.B.5. Parent/Student Handbook
II.C. Action Items:
II.C.1. Certified Staff Evaluation-New
II.C.2. Maintenance Workorder Process PDF
II.C.3. ALT Meeting Date and Time 2014-2015
II.C.4. District "Garage Sale"
II.C.5. Parent/Student Handbook
III. Other Items:
IV. Next Meeting –Next meeting will be Tuesday, April 1, 2014 – 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM
V. Communication Plan: Minutes will be emailed and reviewed at next ALT meeting.