May 16, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Community Participation
D. Recognition of Retiring Staff Members
E. Years of Service Awards
F. Recognition Reception
G. Approval of Minutes
H. Consent Agenda
H.1. Approval of Bills
H.2. Approval of School Donations
H.3. Approval of Employment Actions
H.4. Approval of Resignations
H.5. Approval of Final School Calendar 2016-2017
H.6. Approval of Field Trip
H.7. Approval of Disposal of Equipment
I. Action Items
I.1. Approval of Administrator Contracts/Salaries
I.2. Approval of Classified Staff Salary Increases
I.3. Approval of the Joint Agreement for the Provision of Educational Services at the Robert W. Depke Juvenile Justice Center
I.4. Approval of Payment to the Regional Office of Education for Depke Juvenile Center
I.5. Consideration and action on a resolution authorizing and providing for an Installment Purchase Agreement to pay the cost of purchasing property and for the issue of not to exceed $4,900,000 General Obligation Debt Certificates (Limited Tax), Series 2017, for the payment under said Agreement and authorizing the sale of said Certificates to the purchaser thereof
I.6. Approval of William Blair & Company of Chicago as underwriter for upcoming Debt Certificates
J. Discussion Items
J.1. Tentative Budget Fiscal Year 2018
K. Information
K.1. Board Representatives Committee Update
K.2. Written Department Updates
K.2.a. Business Office
K.2.b. Enrollment
K.2.c. Facilities
K.2.d. Curriculum and Instruction, Student Services, Technology and Assessment
K.3. Superintendent's Informational Report
L. Old Business/New Business
M. In The Press
N. Community Participation
O. Executive Session
P. Adjournment