June 29, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Special Session
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Amended Agenda
V. Public Address to the Board
Limited to approximately fifteen (15) minutes as administered by President of the Board.
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.1. Personnel
VI.1.a. Corporation
VI.1.a.1) Administrator Salary Schedule
recommendation to approve restatement of compensation schedule for CCHS/SCHS principals to reflect days worked to be 231 per contract year with elimination of holiday and vacation compensation, effective July 1, 2017
VI.1.a.2) Reassignment of Administrators
recommendation to approve as submitted, effective July 1, 2017
VI.1.a.3) Pre-School Bus Driver (5 positions)
recommendation to create and post
VI.1.a.4) Pre-School Bus Aide (5 positions)
recommendation to create and post
VI.1.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
VI.1.b.1) Debbie Wiseman - Summer Special Education Bus Driver
recommendation to approve summer employment
VI.1.b.2) Tonya Abner - Summer Special Education Bus Aide
recommendation to approve summer employment
VI.1.c. Corydon Central High School
VI.1.c.1) Caren Johnson - 1/2 Summer 2017 Volleyball Sports Camp Coach
recommendation to approve employment
VI.1.c.2) Alecia Marshall - 1/2 Summer 2017 Volleyball Sports Camp Coach
recommendation to approve employment
VI.1.c.3) Christina Tuchscherer - Varsity Volleyball Coach
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon approval of item VI.1.d.1)
VI.1.c.4) Gary Pope - High School Chorus
recommendation to approve employment with stipend to be determined during the fall negotiation session
VI.1.c.5) Frances Ellen Hanaver - High School Assistant Drama Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.c.6) Brandon Hall - Assistant Marching Band Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.c.7) Aaron Dougherty - Assistant Track Coach Womens'
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.c.8) Alex Zimmerman - Assistant Track Coach Men's
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.c.9) Allyson Miller - Junior Varsity Assistant Volleyball Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.c.10) Ryan Crick - Junior Varsity Basketball Coach Men's
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position
VI.1.c.11) Chase Best - Golf Coach Men's Resignation
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position
VI.1.c.12) Chase Best - Golf Coach Women's Resignation
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position
VI.1.c.13) Chase Best - Volunteer Assistant Golf Coach Women's
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.c.14) Kevin Burton - Assistant Football Coach
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.c.15) Meghan Bussabarger McVey- Freshman Basketball Coach Women's
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
VI.1.d.1) Christina Tuchscherer - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment
VI.1.d.2) Deborah Haeberlin - 2/3 Academic Coach
recommendation to approve employment
VI.1.d.3) Thad Holton - Junior High Football Coach/Assistant Football Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year with recommendation that stipend to be paid by combining the (2) junior high assistant football coaching stipends with the junior high football stipend and dividing by 3 to Thad Holton, Josh Newton, and Raymond Snyder
VI.1.d.4) Josh Newton - Junior High Assistant Football Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year with recommendation that stipend to be paid by combining the (2) junior high assistant football coaching stipends with the junior high football stipend and dividing by 3 to Thad Holton, Josh Newton, and Raymond Snyder
VI.1.d.5) Raymond Snyder - Junior High Assistant Football Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year with recommendation that stipend to be paid by combining the (2) junior high assistant football coaching stipends with the junior high football stipend and dividing by 3 to Thad Holton, Josh Newton, and Raymond Snyder
VI.1.e. Corydon Intermediate School
VI.1.f. Corydon Elementary School
VI.1.f.1) Kaitlan Episcopo - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment
VI.1.f.2) Bettie Peters - Temporary Teacher
recommendation to approve employment
VI.1.f.3) Robin Mauck - Custodian
recommendation to approve employment
VI.1.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
VI.1.g.1) Kimberly Burton - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment as certified staff and permission to post vacated non-certified instructional assistant position
VI.1.g.2) Music Assistant
recommendation to create and post an instructional assistant position to provide music instruction for 6 hours per week
VI.1.g.3) Lela Monroe - Library/Art Assistant - Change in Hours and Compensation
recommendation to adjust weekly hours and compensation as follows: 6 hours as art assistant, 23 hours as library assistant
VI.1.h. New Middletown Elementary School
VI.1.h.1) Meghan Bussabarger McVey - Resignation
recommendation to accept resignation
VI.1.i. South Central Elementary School
VI.1.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
VI.1.j.1) Kara Bailey - Teacher
recommendation to accept resignation
VI.1.j.2) Stephanie Bratcher - Teacher
recommendation to accept resignation and approval of full time social studies position
VI.1.j.3) William Weatherford - Junior High 7th Grade Basketball Coach Girls'
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.j.4) Chris Schmelz - Junior High 7th Grade Basketball Coach Boys'
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.j.5) Jeffery Pease - Junior High 8th Grade Basketball Coach Girls'
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.1.j.6) Leslie Wilson - Junior High Cheer Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2017-2018 school year
VI.2. Operational Matters
VI.2.a. Corporation
VI.2.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
VI.2.c. Corydon Central High School
VI.2.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
VI.2.e. Corydon Elementary School
VI.2.f. Corydon Intermediate School
VI.2.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
VI.2.h. New Middletown Elementary School
VI.2.i. South Central Elementary School
VI.2.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
VII. Unfinished Business
VII.1. Motions as the Result of Executive Session
VIII. New Business
IX. Superintendent's Communications and Reports
X. Board Members’ Communication, Reports and Questions
XI. Upcoming Events
XI.1. Board Meeting - Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 6:30 pm (Executive) & 7:30 pm (Regular) - Board Room
XI.2. Special Board Meeting - Corporation Audit - Monday, July 24, 2017, 8:45 am - 3:00 pm - Board Room
XII. Adjournment