December 6, 2016 at 7:30 PM - Regular Session
Minutes |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Special Recognitions
V.1. Professional Development Study Grant to Japan - Teacher Micky Emily Miller - Summer 2017
VI. Student Council Presentations
VII. Special Presentations
VII.1. Barnes & Thornburg LLP - Refinancing Opportunity
Jeff Qualkinbush
VII.2. IMPACT Analysis
Keshia Seitz, Five-Star Technology Solutions LCC
VII.3. Corydon Elementary School Improvement Plan
Tamela Brewer
VII.4. ISTEP Results
Dr. Mark Eastridge & Tami Geltmaker
VIII. Public Address to the Board
Limited to approximately fifteen (15) minutes as administered by President of the Board.
IX. Consent Agenda
IX.1. Board of School Trustee Minutes - Executive and Regular Sessions - Tuesday, November 1, 2016
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.2. Approval of Claim Docket
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.3. Personnel
IX.3.a. Corporation
IX.3.a.1) Sandra Phipps - Bus Driver
recommendation to approve transfer to full time bus driver from HWES part time kitchen helper and permission to post vacated kitchen helper position
IX.3.a.2) Career Pathway Adviser
recommendation to create and post position
IX.3.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
IX.3.b.1) Stephanie Black - Homebound Instructor
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.3.b.2) Lynn Whittaker - Homebound Instructor
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.3.c. Corydon Central High School
IX.3.c.1) Ashlie Engleman - Kitchen Helper
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.c.2) April Shireman - Kitchen Helper
recommendation to approve transfer from part time 5 hour position to part time 5.5 hour position and permission to post vacated part time 5 hour position
IX.3.c.3) William Royalty - Freshman Basketball Coach Men's
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.c.4) Crista Steier - High School Student Council Sponsor
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.c.5) Andrew Smith - Varsity Football Coach
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2017-2018 school year
IX.3.c.6) Summer Football Camp 2017
recommendation for permission to post for Summer 2017
IX.3.c.7) James Bragg - Assistant Football Coach
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2017-2018 school year
IX.3.c.8) Nathanael McAfee - Assistant Football Coach
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2017-2018 school year
IX.3.c.9) Nathanael McAfee - Varsity Track Coach Women's
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.c.10) Laura Shireman - Assistant Track Coach Women's
recommendation to accept resignation and permission to post vacated position for the 2016-2017 school year
IX.3.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.3.d.1) Jennifer R. Wiseman - Instructional Assistant
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.d.2) Deborah Haeberlin - 1/3 Academic Coach
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.d.3) Paul Hamann - Junior High Tennis Coach Girls'
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.e. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.3.e.1) Kimberly Stephenson - Treasurer/Secretary
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.f. Corydon Elementary School
IX.3.f.1) Sharon Middleton - Custodian
recommendation to approve employment
IX.3.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.3.g.1) Morgan Mosley - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon proper licensure
IX.3.h. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.3.i. South Central Elementary School
IX.3.i.1) Brad Wate - Volunteer Elementary Basketball Coach Boys'
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2016-2017 school year
IX.3.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.3.j.1) Kristopher Davis - Teacher
recommendation to approve employment contingent upon proper licensure
IX.3.j.2) Stephanie Bratcher - Teacher
recommendation to approve increase of teacher contract from 5/7 to 6/7 for the second semester of the 2016-2017 school year
IX.3.j.3) Kerry Freeberg - Junior High Golf Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2016-2017 school year
IX.3.j.4) Brian McKnight - Varsity Baseball Coach
recommendation to approve employment for the 2016-2017 school year
IX.3.j.5) Brittney Haas - Volunteer Junior High Cheerleading Coach
recommendation to approve volunteer for the 2016-2017 school year
IX.4. Operational Matters
IX.4.a. Corporation
IX.4.a.1) School Calendar 2017-2018
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.a.2) Grant Acceptance - Indiana Department of Workforce Development - Region 10 Skill Up Partner (total grant award $1,447,500)
recommendation to accept grant award as a partner
IX.4.a.3) Grant Acceptance - Harrison County Community Foundation - Dual Credit for the 2016-17 School Year - $74,115
recommendation to approve grant as submitted
IX.4.a.4) Surplus Equipment Disposal Listing
recommendation to dispose of surplus equipment in best manner to be determined by administration which may include use of online auction service
IX.4.a.5) Maintenance Terms & Acceptance Agreement - Boyce Systems - Financial Systems - $10,205
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.b. Harrison County Exceptional Learners Cooperative
IX.4.c. Corydon Central High School
IX.4.c.1) Indiana School Improvement Plans (INSIP)
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.c.2) Donation - Adult Booster Club - $18,706.89 - Athletic Department and for Extra Curricular Activities Uniform Fund
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.d. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.4.e. Corydon Elementary School
IX.4.f. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.4.g. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.4.h. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.4.i. South Central Elementary School
IX.4.i.1) Booking Agreement - Inter-State Studio - School Pictures 2017-2018
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.i.2) Donation - Heidelberg United Methodist Church - $1,174.50
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.4.j. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.5. Field Trips
IX.5.a. Corydon Central High School
IX.5.a.1) Fieldtrip - Future Farmers of America - Purdue University - Saturday, December 10, 2016
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.5.b. Corydon Central Junior High School
IX.5.c. Corydon Elementary School
IX.5.d. Corydon Intermediate School
IX.5.d.1) Overnight Fieldtrip - 6th Grade - O'Bannon Woods - Wednesday, May 17, 2017 through Friday, May 19, 2017
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.5.e. Heth-Washington Elementary School
IX.5.e.1) Overnight Fieldtrip - 6th Grade - Cincinnati, OH - Wednesday, May 3, 2017 through Friday, May 5, 2017
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.5.f. New Middletown Elementary School
IX.5.f.1) Fieldtrip - Girls' Basketball Team - Indiana University, Bloomington, IN - Sunday, December 11, 2016
recommendation to approve as submitted
IX.5.g. South Central Elementary School
IX.5.h. South Central Junior/Senior High School
IX.6. Other
X. Unfinished Business
X.1. Motions as the Result of Executive Session
XI. New Business
XI.1. Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2017
recommendation to approve as submitted
XI.1.a. Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Refunding Obligations and Related Matters
recommendation to grant authorization of bond issuance and finance team of Barnes & Thornburg LLP (bond and general counsel), Piper Jaffray & Co. (underwriter) and London Witte Group LLC (financial advisor) as submitted
XI.1.b. Bond Trustee - BNY Mellon
recommendation to approve as submitted
XII. Superintendent's Communications and Reports
XII.1. Indiana University Southeast - Teacher Professional Development - English as a New Language Best Practices
XII.2. School Improvement Survey - Indiana State University - Stephen Gruenert, Department of Educational Leadership Chair
XII.3. Write-Off Student Lunch Balances as Permitted by Board Policy
XII.4. South Harrison District Diversity Committee
XIII. Board Members’ Communication, Reports and Questions
XIV. Upcoming Events
XIV.1. Corydon Central High School, Corydon Central Junior High School, Corydon Intermediate School, Heth-Washington Elementary School & New Middletown Elementary School Band Concert - Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at 7 pm at the Corydon Junior High Auditorium
XIV.2. Heth-Washington & New Middletown Elementary School Christmas Program - Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 7 pm, at the Corydon Junior High Auditorium
XIV.3. South Central Elementary School Shoppers Extravaganza, Choir Concert and Cookies with Santa - Saturday, December 10, 2016 - Extravaganza 10:00 am - 2:30 pm, Concert and Cookies 3:00 pm
XIV.4. Camp Invention - Monday, June 12, 2017 through Friday, June 16, 2017
XIV.5. Harrison County Fair - Sunday, June 18 through Saturday, June 24, 2017
XV. Adjournment