September 15, 2016 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call to order and establish a quorum
III. Certification of Public Notice
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Minutes from August 15, 2016 Regular Board Meeting and August 30, 2016 Special Session
IV.B. Review monthly financial statement and payment of bills
V. Comments from Visitors
VI. Communication and Reports
VI.A. Elementary - Longley
VI.B. Secondary - Henry
VI.C. Athletics - Thornton
VI.D. Personnel Update - Gilbert
VI.E. District Financial Audit - Gilbert
VI.F. Preliminary FIRST Information- Gilbert
VI.G. Presentation on CTE progress/direction - Henry/Peugh
VI.H. TAIS Process - Gilbert
VI.I. Accountability Update - Gilbert
VI.J. Trustee Election Update - Gilbert
VI.K. TASB Media Honor Roll - Gilbert
VI.L. Discuss request for purchase of material - Gilbert
VI.M. Progress on school safety/Guardian Plan - Gilbert
VI.N. Update 2016-2017 Student Code of Conduct - Henry
VII. Discussion and possible action on Elementary Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2015-2016
VIII. Discussion and possible action on TASB Update 105 to the local policy manual affecting local policies:
VIII.A. BJCF(LOCAL): Superintendent--Nonrenewal
VIII.B. BQ(LOCAL): Planning and Decision-Making Process
VIII.C. CLB(LOCAL): Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management--Maintenance
VIII.D. CLE(LOCAL): Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management--Flag Displays
VIII.E. CPC(LOCAL): Office Management--Records Management
VIII.F. DBA(LOCAL): Employment Requirements and Restrictions--Credentials and Records
VIII.G. DFBB(LOCAL): Terms Contracts--Nonrenewal
VIII.H. DFFA(LOCAL): Reduction in Force--Financial Exigency
VIII.I. DFFB(LOCAL): Reduction in Force--Program Change
VIII.J. EHBD(LOCAL): Special Programs--Federal Title I
VIII.K. FDC(LOCAL): Admissions - Homeless Students
IX. Discussion and possible action on TASB Update 106 to the local policy manual affecting local policies:
IX.A. EHBAF(LOCAL): Special Education--Video/Audio Monitoring
X. Discussion and possible action on Joint Election Agreement and Contract for Election Services with Palo Pinto and Erath counties
XI. Adjourn