October 15, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call to order and establish a quorum
III. Certification of Public Notice
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Minutes from September 17, 2015 Regular Board Meeting
IV.B. Review monthly financial statement and payment of bills
V. Comments from Visitors
VI. Public Hearing and approval of FIRST financial performance report (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) for 2015 based on 2013-2014 data
VII. Discussion and possible action on Secondary Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) for 2015-2016
VIII. Discussion and possible action on TASB Update 103 to the Local Policy Manual
VIII.A. BF (Local) Board Policies
VIII.B. CAA (Local) Fiscal Management: Goals and Objectives/Financial Ethics
VIII.C. CB (Local) State and Federal Revenue Sources
VIII.D. CO (Local) Food Services Management
VIII.E. DBD (Local) Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Conflict of Interest
VIII.F. DH (Local) Employee Standards of Conduct
VIII.G. DIA (Local) Employee Welfare: Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
VIII.H. FEA (Local) Attendance: Compulsory Attendance
VIII.I. FEC (Local) Attendance: Attendance for Credit
VIII.J. GKA (Local) Community Relations: Conduct on School Premises
VIII.K. GRA (Local) Relations with Governmental Entities: State and Local Governmental Authorities
IX. Public Hearing and possible action on TAIS (Texas Accountability Intervention System) Campus Plan
X. Communication and Reports
X.A. Enrollment - Gilbert
X.B. Elementary - Longley
X.C. Secondary - Heupel
X.D. Athletics - Thornton
X.E. Update Financial Audit Information - Gilbert
X.F. Personnel Update - Gilbert
XI. Private discussion with school attorney regarding response to disputed water leak/bill demand letter 551.071 (Certified Agenda on File)
XII. Action on items discused in Closed Session
XIII. Adjourn