January 16, 2014 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call to order and establish a quorum
III. Certification of Public Notice
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Minutes from December 19, 2013 Regular Board Meeting
IV.B. Review monthly financial statement and payment of bills
V. Comments from visitors
VI. School Board Recognition
VII. Public Forum to review and approve 2013-2014 Highly Qualified data
VIII. Public Hearing and approval of annual TAPR (Texas Academic Performance Report) performance report for 2012-2013
IX. Communications and Reports
IX.A. Enrollment & Attendance - Gilbert
IX.B. Elementary - Longley
IX.C. Secondary - Scott
IX.D. Athletics- Thornton
IX.E. Update on 2014-2015 Calendar - Gilbert
IX.F. Update on TAIS submission - Gilbert
IX.G. Personnel update/at-will employee pay for ice days - Gilbert
IX.H. Construction update on ballfield improvements - Gilbert
IX.I. Property offer - Gilbert
IX.J. Updated contract with Bluebonnet Co-op for students with visual impairments - Gilbert
X. Personnel (Certified Agenda on File)
X.A. Consider employment of teacher/coach
X.B. Consider Superintendent evaluation and contract renewal/extension
XI. Adjourn