May 17, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Call to order and establish a quorum
III. Certification of Public Notice
IV. Consent Agenda
IV.A. Minutes from April 19, 2012 Regular Board Meeting
IV.B. Review monthly financial statement and payment of bills
IV.C. Review budget amendments
V. Consider board member resignation
VI. Discussion and possible action on trustee appointment to the Board
VII. Administer Oath of Office to new Trustee for remainder of 2012 term
VIII. Reorganization of Board Officers
IX. Discussion and possible action to exceed $10,000 limit for purchase of school vehicle(s)
X. Discussion and possible action to exceed $10,000 limit for purchase of technology infrastructure improvements
XI. Communications and Reports
XI.A. Enrollment & Attendance - Gilbert
XI.B. Elementary - Longley
XI.C. Secondary - Scott
XI.D. Athletics - Thornton
XI.E. Preliminary Property Values - Gilbert
XI.F. Trustee terms and November Election - Gilbert
XI.G. Resignations/Personnel - Gilbert
XI.H. Board training May 31st - Gilbert
XII. Personnel (Certified Agenda on File)
XII.A. Consider employment of elementary teacher
XII.B. Consider employment of secondary teacher
XIII. Adjourn