April 20, 2015 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Invocation
II. Open Forum
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Minutes of Previous Meeting
III.B. Bills Payable
IV. Action Items
IV.A. Schedule Budget Workshop
IV.B. Accept bid on north parking lot
IV.C. Security Doors
IV.D. Call for bids for building at Ag Farm
IV.E. Copy Machine Lease
IV.F. Change June 8, 2015 meeting
IV.G. Accept Resignation
IV.H. Southwest Foods Contract
IV.I. Extend Depository Contract
IV.J. Approve Expenditure for National Forensics Tournament
IV.K. Call for bids for A/C at High School and Practice Gym
IV.L. Call for bids for Facelift to Admin Bldg
V. Discussion
V.A. Teacher Salary Schedule
V.B. Superintendent Search
VI. Principal's Report
VI.A. Enrollment
VI.B. Spring Activities
VI.C. CTE Report
VII. Superintendent's Reports
VII.A. Correspondence
VII.B. Lunchroom
VII.C. Tax
VII.D. Budget Progress
VII.E. Investment Report
VII.F. Legislative Report