December 18, 2014 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Invocation
II. Open Forum
III. Consent Agenda:
III.A. Minutes
III.B. Bills Payable
IV. Action Items:
IV.A. Call for Bids for Activity Bus
IV.B. Approve the Administrative Procedures Manual for Grants for 2014-2015
IV.C. Records Management Policy
IV.D. Consider and take action on a resolution expressing official intent to reimburse costs of school construction and improvement projects approved at the November 4, 2014 bond election that may be funded with proceeds of the voter-approved bonds, if those costs are paid prior to the issuance of such bonds.
IV.E. Consideration of Procurement of Design Criteria
IV.F. Consideration of Procurement of Construction Facilities
IV.G. Resolution Authorization Pursuant to CKC(LOCAL) Policy
V. Principal's Report
V.A. Enrollment Report
V.B. Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) 2013-2014
VI. Superintendent's Reports:
VI.A. Lunchroom
VI.B. Tax
VI.C. Budget Progress
VI.D. Board Training Hours
VI.E. Correspondence
VII. Board Training Team Building