February 4, 2020 at 5:00 PM - REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING
Minutes |
I. Call to Order - Vice Chair Rohloff
II. Conduct Pledge of Allegiance - Vice Chair Rohloff
III. Visitors opportunity to be heard - Vice Chair Rohloff
IV. Oath of Office Administered to new Board Member, Tom Bennett, from Bloomington - Linda Berg
V. Additions to the agenda - Vice Chair Rohloff
VI. Good News Report - Directors
VI.A. Resolution Recogniizing Paraprofessional Week - January 27-31, 2020 - Mark Zuzek
VI.B. School Board Recognition Week February 17-21, 2020 - Mark Zuzek
VII. Consent Items - Vice Chair Rohloff
VII.A. Minutes, January 7, 2020 - Regular School Board Meeting
VII.B. Personnel Considerations
VIII. Donations
IX. Business Manager’s Report - Nicolle Roush
IX.A. Review and Approve Payment of Bills
IX.B. Review and Approve Wire Transfers
IX.C. Review and Approve Investment Report
X. Reports
X.A. Legislative Update - Valerie Dosland
X.B. Distribution of Legislative Agendas for: Minnesota Intermediate School Districts; MASA; MASE; AMSD; MSBA
X.C. Approve Revised 2019-2020 Budget - Nicolle Roush
XI. Policies
XI.A. Review Policy 418.1 - Employee Assistance Program, first reading - Mark Zuzek
XI.B. Review Policy 516 - Student Medication (old Policy 6.74), first reading- Mark Zuzek
XI.C. Review Policy 534 - Unpaid Meal Changes (old Policy 680), first reading - Mark Zuzek
XI.D. Review Policy 732 (old Policy 904) - Uniform Grant Guidance Policy Regarding Federal Revenue Sources, first reading - Mark Zuzek
XI.E. Review Policy 722 - Public Data Requests, first reading - Mark Zuzek
XII. New Business
XII.A. Change the time for the March 3, 2020 School Board Meeting - Mark Zuzek
XII.B. Review and Approve Joint Powers Agreement between Dakota County and ISD 917 - Melissa Schaller
XII.C. Appoint Calendar Committee Member for 2020-2021 - Mark Zuzek
XII.D. Review and Approve Maintenance Payments to Member Districts - Mark Zuzek
XII.E. Resolution Directing Administration to Make Recommendations for Reductions in Programs and Positions and Reasons Therefore - Mark Zuzek
XII.F. Approval of Overnight Camping Trip - Melissa Schaller
XII.G. Review and Approve Assistant Directors/Principal, Technology Coordinator and Directors Contracts for 2019-2021 - Mark Zuzek
XIII. Adjournment