March 7, 2016 at 5:30 PM - Policy Committee Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call Finance Committee Meeting to Order- 5:00 PM - Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approve the Agenda - POL 0166
3. Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting of February 25, 2016 - POL 0168.1
4. Discussion Items - BOP 1.3.6
4.A. Budget Assumptions
Recommendation - |
4.B. Discussion with Bob DeLong with Dunn's Office Solutions
Recommendations - |
4.C. Director and Principal Contracts
Recommendations - |
4.D. Bidding Process with current bids and PO
Recommendations - |
5. Citizen's Request to Address the Finance Committee - POL 0167.3, BOP 1.3.2
Pertaining only to agenda items listed above |
6. Committee Members comment/statement pertaining only to agenda items listed above - POL 0143.1
7. Adjourn