February 15, 2006 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Public Input
4. Approve Board minutes of January 19, 2006 Regular meeting and January 26, 2006 Special Meeting.
Raymond Lenz
5. Announce Board Members Continuing Education Credit
Brian Drummond
6. Discussion and Possible Action concerning (DRE) Voting Machines and the location of the TISD Board Election
Joan Sladek, Cliff Brofsky, Melody Huber
7. Order School Board Trustee Election for May 13, 2006.
Joan Sladek
8. Appoint Election Judges and Clerks for May 13, 2006 Board Election.
Brian Drummond
9. Principal and Directors reports.
10. Discussion and Possible action to approve Concession agreement Policy for organizations selling beverages on TISD School Grounds.
Keith Brown
11. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Application for waiver of the 22:1 class size ratio to The Texas Education Agency for second grade for spring 2006.
Keith Brown
12. Approve Financial Reports
Lorine Fox
13. Discussion and Possible Action regarding the need for a program change as provided in Thrall ISD policy DFF (local). Program and curriculum to be discussed and considered for elimination, curtailment or reorganization includes building trades.
14. Closed Session: Personnel-Discussion regarding the discharge and non-renewal of employment contract of Mike Juranek as a result of the declared need for a program change to Building Trades as provided in Thrall Policy DFF (Local). Discussion and Evaluation of Administrative Employees: Elementary Principal Denise Carter, Secondary Principal: Robert Steeber, Technology Director: Susan Burkhart, Business Manager: Lorine Fox and Athletic Director: Mark Sebek, Employee Resignations, Employment of Personnel and Employment of Teaching Personnel.
15. Discussion and Possible Action regarding the proposed non-renewal of the employment contract of Mike Juranek as a result of the declared need for a program and curriculum change to Building Trades as provided in Thrall ISD Policy DFF ( Local). Contracts for Administrative personnel, Employee Resignations, Employment of Personnel, Employment of Teaching Personnel.
16. Adjourn