January 22, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Invocation
1.B. Establish a Quorum
1.C. Public comments / audience participation
1.D. Recognition of the PSP CISD Board of Trustees and their service to our students, staff and community.
1.E. Recognize and honor students: Comanche Warriors and Lady Comanche volleyball teams.
2. Action / Discussion Item (s)
2.A. Consent Agenda
2.A.1. Approve Minutes from December 18, 2024.
2.A.2. Set date for the February 2025 Regular School Board Meeting
2.B. Consideration and possible approval of budget amendment to close out the 23-24 books.
2.C. Consider approval of the 2023-24 Financial Audit of the District.
2.D. Discussion and possible approval of Local Policy Update 124.
2.E. Call for approval of a school board election on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
3. Information and Announcement Items(s)
3.A. Financial Report
3.B. Enrollment Figures
3.C. Activities Calendar
3.D. PSP CISD Strategic Plan 1.4 Report- Enhance Student Safety & Well-being
4. Closed Meeting - Texas Open Meeting Act
5. Personnel- Superintendent Search
6. Reconvene Into Open Meeting
7. Adjourn