February 3, 2022 at 6:45 PM - Workshop Meeting
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Public Comment
II. My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Update
III. 2021-22 Budget Update
IV. Progress Update on Possible Interlocal Agreement with the City of Pflugerville
V. Consideration of Policy Update 118 -- First Reading
V.A. CFD(LOCAL): Accounting - Activity Funds Management
V.B. CQB(LOCAL): Technology Resources - Cybersecurity
V.C. DFE(LOCAL): Termination of Employment - Resignation
V.D. DP(LOCAL): Personnel Positions
V.E. EHAA(LOCAL): Basic Instructional Program - Required Instruction (All Levels)
V.F. EHBC(LOCAL): Special Programs - Compensatory/Accelerated Services
V.G. EIE(LOCAL): Academic Achievement - Retention and Promotion
V.H. FDE(LOCAL): Admissions - School Safety Transfers
V.I. FEA(LOCAL): Attendance - Compulsory Attendance
V.J. FEC(LOCAL): Attendance - Attendance for Credit
V.K. FFG(LOCAL): Student Welfare - Child Abuse and Neglect
V.L. FL(LOCAL): Student Records
VI. Consideration and Possible Approval of Required Fiber Relocation by Grande Communications for Phase 2 of the Kelly Lane Road Construction Project to be Completed by the City of Pflugerville
VII. Consideration and Possible Ratification of Personnel -- Principal, Windermere Elementary School (551.074)
VIII. Conduct Superintendent's Formative Evaluation (551.074)
IX. Discussion Regarding Personnel Employment (551.074)
X. Discussion Regarding the Purchase, Exchange, Lease, or Value of Real Property (551.072)
XI. Closing