April 18, 2013 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Pledges of Allegiance
I.B. Awards and Recognitions
I.C. Citizen Participation
II. Superintendent's Report
II.A. Internal Audit Report - Human Resources and Student Affairs
II.B. Monthly Financial and Tax Collection Report
II.C. Monthly Construction and Facilities Report
III. Consent Agenda
III.A. Consideration and Possible Appproval of Meeting Minutes
III.A.1. March 7, 2013 Workshop Meeting
III.A.2. March 21, 2013 Regular Meeting
III.B. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2013-2014
III.C. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchase of Computers for District’s Computer Replacement Cycle and Cele Middle School
III.D. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchases in Excess of $50,000
III.D.1. Education Service Center XIII for Fee for Regional Deaf School Services for the 2012-2013 School Year
III.E. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Shared Services Arrangement Agreement for the Capital Area Regional Day School Program for the Deaf for 2013-2014
III.F. Consideration and Possible Approval of Local Policy Update 95 -- Second Reading
III.F.1. AB(Local) -- District Name
III.F.2. DFBB(Local) -- Term Contracts: Nonrenewal
III.F.3. DFE(Local) -- Termination of Employment: Resignation
III.F.4. DGBA(Local) -- Personnel-Management Relations: Employee Complaints/Grievances
III.F.5. EIE(Local) -- Academic Achievement: Retention and Promotion
III.F.6. FNG(Local) -- Students Rights and Responsibilities: Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances
III.F.7. GF(Local) -- Public Complaints
IV. Consideration and Possible Approval to Re-Issue Probationary Contracts (551.074)
V. Consideration and Possible Approval to Re-Issue One-Year Professional Contracts (551.074)
VI. Consideration and Possible Approval to Extend a Fourth Consecutive Year to Third Year Probationary Contract Employees (551.074)
VII. Consideration and Possible Approval to Extend One-Year Term Contracts (551.074)
VIII. Consideration and Possible Action to Determine Procedure for Conducting Upcoming Hearing on Proposed Nonrenewal of a Term Contract Employee
IX. Consideration and Possible Approval of New Positions for 2013-2014
X. Consideration and Possible Approval of Pflugerville ISD Police Department Transition Plan
XI. Consideration and Possible Approval to Accept the Superintendent’s Resignation
XII. Superintendent Search Update
XIII. Central Texas School Board Association (CTSBA) Update
XIV. Consideration of Future Meetings and Agenda Items
XV. Consideration and Possible Approval of an Amendment to the Interim Superintendent Employment Contract (551.074)
XVI. Consideration and Possible Ratification of Personnel Appointments (551.074)
XVI.A. Principal, Copperfield Elementary School
XVI.B. Principal, Kelly Lane Middle School
XVII. Consideration and Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Procedure for Conducting Upcoming Hearing on Proposed Nonrenewal of a Term Contract Employee (551.071, 551.074 and 551.129)
XVIII. Closing