November 20, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Awards and Recognitions
I.A.1. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution Recognizing Willie Gipson
I.B. Citizen Participation
II. Consent Agenda
II.A. Consideration and Possible Approval of Meeting Minutes
II.A.1. October 16, 2008 Special FIRST Hearing Meeting
II.A.2. October 16, 2008 Regular Meeting
II.A.3. October 30, 2008 Special Team Building Workshop
II.B. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Contract for Construction of an Athletics Restroom and Locker Room Facility at Connally High School
II.C. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Contract for the Construction Manager at Risk for the Construction and Renovation of a Band Hall, Science Labs, and CTE Classrooms at Pflugerville High School
II.D. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Wastewater and Temporary Workspace Easement at Highland Park Elementary
II.E. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Disposition of Surplus Furniture and Equipment
II.F. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Sale of Property Described as Lot 34, Block 20, Amended Plat of Heatherwilde, Section 1, Plat No. 86/150D for Delinquent Property Taxes
II.G. Consideration and Possible Approval of 2008-09 Tax Levy as Required by Section 26.09 of the Property Tax Code
II.H. Consideration and Possible Approval of Budget Amendment
II.I. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchases in Excess of $25,000
II.J. Consider Ratification of Personnel Assignments, Resignations, and Exits
II.K. Consideration and Possible Approval of Policy Update 83 - Second Reading
II.K.1. DEA(Local): Compensation and Benefits - Salaries and Wages
II.K.2. DGBA(Local): Personnel-Management Relations - Employee Complaints/Grievances
II.K.3. DIA(Local): Employee Welfare - Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
II.K.4. FB(Local): Equal Educational Opportunity
II.K.5. FFH(Local): Student Welfare - Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
II.K.6. FL(Local): Student Records
II.K.7. FNC(Local): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student Conduct
II.K.8. FNG(Local): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances
II.K.9. FO(Local): Student Discipline
II.K.10. GF(Local): Public Complaints
II.K.11. DAA(Local): Employment Objectives - Equal Employment Opportunity
II.K.12. EHAC(Local): Basic Instructional Program - Required Instruction (Secondary)
II.K.13. FFI(Local): Student Welfare - Freedom From Bullying
II.L. Consideration and Possible Approval of Board Policy Updates Pursuant to TASB Policy Review Seminar -- Second Reading
II.L.1. BBB(Local): Board Members - Elections
II.L.2. BDAA(Local): Officers and Officials - Duties and Requirements of Board Officers
II.L.3. BDB(Local): Board Internal Organization - Internal Committees
II.L.4. BE(Local): Board Meetings
II.L.5. BED(Local): Board Meetings - Public Participation
II.L.6. BF(Local): Board Policies
II.L.7. BJA(Local): Superintendent - Qualitifications and Duties
II.L.8. BQ(Local): Planning and Decision-Making Process
II.L.9. BQA(Local): Planning and Decision-Making Process - District-Level
II.L.10. BQB(Local): Planning and Decision-Making Process - Campus-Level
III. Consideration of Policy FMH(Local): Student Activities and Commencement - First Reading
IV. Superintendent's Report
IV.A. Small Learning Communities at Connally High School
IV.B. 2008-09 Student Achievement Data for First Grading Period
IV.C. Proposed Changes to School Attendance Boundaries
IV.D. Monthly Financial Report and Tax Collection Report
IV.E. Monthly Construction and Facilities Report
V. Consideration of Future Meetings and Agenda Items
VI. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchase or Lease of Property (551.072)
VII. Closing