April 17, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Awards and Recognitions
I.B. Citizen Participation
II. Consent Agenda
II.A. Consider Approval of Minutes
II.A.1. March 6, 2008 Workshop Meeting
II.A.2. March 20, 2008 Regular Meeting
II.A.3. April 3, 2008 Workshop Meeting
II.B. Consider Approval of Bid Renewal -- Food Service
II.C. Consider Approval of Bid Renewal -- Miscellaneous Voice, Data and Video Cabling
II.D. Consider Approval of Bid Award -- Miscellaneous Electrical, Plumbing, and General Maintenance Parts, Supplies, and Services
II.E. Consider Approval of Bid Award -- Football Equipment and Supplies
II.F. Consider Approval of Bid Award -- Volleyball, Cross Country, and Tennis Equipment and Supplies
II.G. Consider Approval of Bid Award -- High Volume Copier Lease
II.H. Consider Approval of Quarterly Budget Amendments and Transfers
II.I. Consider Approval of Quarterly Investment Report
II.J. Consider Approval of Purchases in Excess of $15,000
II.J.1. Contract with University of Texas for Erwin Center Rental for CHS and PHS commencements
II.J.2. Contract with Cadence LLC for Purchase of Cisco ACE Internet Facing Application
II.J.3. Contract with Quality Hardwood Floors for Refinishing of All High School and Middle School Gym Hardwood Floors
II.J.4. Contract with The Children’s Courtyard for Rental of Classroom Facilities for TEEM Pre-K Pilot Program
II.K. Consider Ratification of Personnel Assignments, Resignations, and Exits
II.L. Consider Ratification of Probationary Contract Extensions
II.M. Consider Ratification of Term Contract Extensions
II.N. Consider Ratification of Professional Contract Extensions
III. Consideration and Possible Action to Cancel the May 10, 2008 Trustee Election
IV. Discussion and Possible Approval of Superintendent's Annual Evaluation Instrument as Presented
V. Consideration and Possible Approval of Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) as the Delivery Method of Choice for 2005 and 2007 Bond Programs
VI. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution Establishing a Pflugerville Independent School District Police Department
VII. Consideration of Local Policy - First Reading
VII.A. GKD (LOCAL): Nonschool Use of School Facilities
VIII. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Bond Issuance Timeline, Method of Sale and Underwriter Selection, Including Authorizing First Southwest Company and Vinson & Elkins to Begin Preparation of Sale Documents
IX. Superintendent's Report
IX.A. Academic Spotlight -- Pflugerville Community Connect 18+ Program
IX.B. College Readiness
IX.C. Monthly Financial Report and Tax Collection Report
IX.D. Monthly Construction and Facilities Report
X. Consideration of Future Meetings and Agenda Items
XI. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchase or Lease of Property (551.072)
XII. Closing