January 25, 2007 at 7:15 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Recognitions
I.B. Citizen Participation
II. Consent Agenda
II.A. Consider Approval of Minutes
II.B. Consider Approval CTE Innovative Courses for 2007-08
II.C. Consider Approval of JOC Contract to Build Black Box Theater at Connally High School
II.D. Consider Approval of JOC Contract to Install Security Fencing and Doors at Pflugerville Elementary School
II.E. Consider Approval of Purchases in Excess of $15,000
II.F. Consider Approval of Purchase of Playground Equipment for Delco Primary
II.G. Consider Ratification of Personnel Assignments, Resignations, and Exits
III. Consideration and Possible Approval of TEA Annual Financial and Compliance Audit Report
IV. Consideration of Policy FDB (Local) Intradistrict Transfers - First Reading
V. Superintendent's Report
V.A. Advanced Placement Strategies Update
V.B. Monthly Financial Report and Tax Collection Report
V.C. Monthly Construction and Facilities Report
VI. Consideration of School Name for Elementary 17
VII. Discuss Future Meetings and Agenda Items
VIII. Consideration of Superintentendent Evaluation Instrument
IX. Consider Approval of Personnel Assignments, Resignations, and Exits
X. Closing