September 14, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Establishment of Quorum, Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Instructional Focus
V. Staff Recognitions
VI. Audience for Guests
VII. Superintendent's Report
VIII. Discussion and/or Action
VIII.A. Receive Departmental Reports
VIII.A.1. Enrollment/Transfer Report
VIII.B. Consent Agenda
VIII.B.1. Authorize Superintendent to Submit Asynchronous Plan to TEA
A plan for asynchronous instruction is required to be submitted. The Board authorizes the Superintendent to submit upon completion.
VIII.B.2. School Fundraisers
VIII.B.3. Examinations for Credit
VIII.B.4. Adoption of TASB-initiated Board Policy Update 115
VIII.B.5. Brown County Extension Agents as Adjunct Faculty
VIII.B.6. Minutes from August 10, 2020 Board Meeting
VIII.B.7. Minutes from August 10, 2020 Board Meeting - Budget Workshop
VIII.B.8. Minutes from August 27, 2020 Board Meeting - Special Meeting
IX. Executive Session (closed)
X. Return to Open Session to discuss possible action on Executive Session Items
XI. Announcements
XI.A. TASA/TASB Convention - Online - Oct. 2-4, 2020
XI.B. Staff Development Day - October 9, 2020
XI.C. Fall Break - October 12, 2020
XI.D. Next Board Meeting - October 5, 2020