July 29, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Special Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call and Establish a Quorum
4. Agenda
4.A. Information/Discussion Items
4.A.1. Leadership Selection Process
Amaya, Holly Cover Letter Amaya, Holly Resume Benz, Stacey L. Cover Letter Benz, Stacey L. Resume Krech, Michael Cover Letter Krech, Michael Resume Schmidt, Andrea Resume
4.A.2. Student Enrollment Status
4.A.3. Kinder Camp
4.B. Action Items
4.B.1. Human Resource Service Contract for Support through EdVisions Cooperative
August 1 Start Date Month-to-Month Contract Services rendered could include consultation and guidance of human resource topics, assistance with Staff Handbook, CCS policies, employment law compliance, etc. Dieci School Finance LLC was contacted for an estimate of typical hours per month. The estimate is four hours or less. Brought in three times regarding larger situations that required additional time.
4.B.2. Approve Policies
440 Social Media Use (policy has now been assigned a number) 504 Student Dress and Appearance (represent's RRM's feedback) 524 Internet Acceptable Use and Safety (finalize edit comments) 524FRM Internet Use Agreement
4.B.3. Maggie Heggerston Resignation
5. Adjourn the Special Board of Education Meeting