June 14, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call and Establish a Quorum
4. Additional Items
5. Public Comment
6. Agenda
6.A. Consent Agenda: Cinda Jensen
All items listed below are considered to be routine by the Crosslake Community School Board of Education and will be acted upon by one motion; however, any Board member may request that items on the Consent Agenda be removed from it for independent consideration. Any items so identified will be moved to the Action Item portion of the Agenda. |
6.A.1. Board of Education Minutes
May 10, 2021 Regular Board Meeting May 17, 2021 Board of Education Finance Workshop Meeting
6.A.2. Finance Meeting Minutes
Finance Meeting Minutes 5-10-2021 Special Finance Meeting Minutes 6-1-2021
6.A.3. EE Committee Meeting Minutes
6.A.4. Health and Wellness Committee Meeting Minutes
6.A.5. Personnel Matters
Resignation of Carrie Wrona. Resignation of Lisa Steffen, Kindergarten Teacher, at the end of the school year. Post Online Social Studies/Learning Coach 1.0 position. Post Online Health/PE Teacher 1.0 position. Hiring of Angela Oleszko, Online Special Education Teacher. Hiring of Jodi Strehlow, Seat Based Special Education Teacher. Approval to post Kindergarten staff replacement position. Permission to allow posting of internally posted position and others that may follow fur current positions that become necessary to fill and that are currently in the budget.
6.A.6. Food Service Reports
6.A.7. Gifts and Donations
Bill Forsythe donated archery supplies USDA Farmers to Food donation for families and staff |
6.A.8. IRS Form 990 - Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
6.B. Action Items: Cinda Jensen
6.B.1. Review and Approve April 2021 Financial Information
6.B.2. Approve CCS Hiring Process
Beverly Loeffler
Changes are highlighted in blue.
6.B.3. Nominate/Approve CCS Collaboration Comittee Members
Cinda Jensen
6.B.4. 2021-2022 Board Meeting Schedule
Please note, due to the Kamp Kimchee event, the two Board of Education Meetings on July 12, 2021 will take place in Classroom 134.
6.B.5. Approve Policies
408 Subpoena of a School Employee 410 Family and Medical Leave 413 Harassment and Violence 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse 414FRM Confidential Student Maltreatment Reporting Form 415 Mandated Reporting of Vulnerable Adults 419 Tobacco-Free Environment; Possession and Use of Tobacco, Tobacco-Related Devices and Electronic Delivery Devices; Vaping Awareness and Prevention Instructions 421 Gifts to Employees and School Board Directors 502 Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, ad Student's Person 506 Student Discipline 514 Bullying Prohibition 515 Protection and Privacy of Student Records 522 Student Sex Nondiscrimination 526 Hazing 806 Crisis Management 903 Visitors to Building and Site
6.B.6. Continuation of Interim Leadership Plan
6.B.7. Annual Review of Food Service Contract
6.B.8. Approve Pan O Gold Baking Bread Contract for Baker Products for the School Year 2021-2022
6.C. Information/Discussion Items:
6.C.1. Long-Term Leadership Planning Committee Recommendations
Mindy Glazier and Amy Scheuman
6.C.2. FY22 Budget
6.C.3. CCS Bylaw Recommended Changes
Cinda Jensen
6.C.4. High Reliability Schools (HRS) Update
Mara Powers
6.C.5. Health Services Curriculum Program
Director of Health Services
Conditional upon student interest and leadership determining/selecting appropriate staffing |
6.C.6. Professional Development
6.C.6.a. Faculty and Staff
6.C.6.b. Board of Education
6.C.6.c. Sharing of Professional Development Events
6.C.6.d. Board of Education Training
6.C.7. Policy Review
102 Equal Opportunity Employer 211 Criminal or Civil Action Against School District, School Board Member, Employee or Student 402 Disability Nondiscrimination 450 Whistleblower (policy changed from 425 to 450) 451 Acceptance of Wellness Money 516 Student Medication 521 Student Disability Nondiscrimination 531 Pledge of Allegiance
6.C.8. Staff Handbook
6.C.9. Student and Family Handbook
Work in progress and not available at this time. |
6.C.10. Crisis Manual
Work in progress and not available at this time. |
6.C.11. Summer Internship (Wellness and EE)
This is conditional upon leadership determining and selecting appropriate staffing. |
6.C.12. Three Rivers Montessori
Offer Online Curriculum |
6.C.13. Long-Term Leadership Committee Recommendation
6.C.14. Hiring of Human Resource Company
Human Resource bids to provide these service to CCS. Third option is currently not available to share. |
6.D. Reports: (55 minutes)
6.D.1. Interim Leaders Update: (5 minutes)
CCS ADM Breakdown School Year 20-21 5/31/2020 Budgeted ADM is 325 ADM Submitted to State is 345 Total Number of Students is 370 Number of Online Students is 221 Number of Seat-Based Students is 149 |
6.D.2. EE Seat-Based Committee Report: Lance Swanson (5 minutes)
6.D.3. EE Online Committee Reports: Kysa Corbett (5 minutes)
6.D.4. Finance Committee Report: Beverly Loeffler (5 minutes)
6.D.5. Academic Performance/Assessment Results: Beverly Loeffler (5 minutes)
6.D.6. Health and Wellness Committee: Kysa Corbett (5 minutes)
6.D.7. Community Engagement Committee: Heidi O'Brien (5 minutes)
6.D.8. Marketing Committee: Maggie Heggerston (5 minutes)
6.D.9. Facilities Committee: Lance Swanson (5 minutes)
6.D.10. Director Evaluation Committee: Cinda Jensen (5 minutes)
7. Authorizer Update:
7.A. Environmental Notes
7.B. Board Observation Feedback
7.C. Sounding Board
8. July 12, 2021 Meeting Preparation: Cinda Jensen (5 minutes)
8.A. Suggestion for Discussion Topics for Next Meeting
8.B. Policy Review
9. Board Meeting Evaluation:
10. Adjourn the Regular Board of Education Meeting
Mid-Year Planning Meeting, July 12, 2021, from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Classroom 134 at Crosslake Community School Regular Board of Education Meeting, July 12, 2021, at 5 p.m. in Classroom 134 at Crosslake Community School |