August 16, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order
II. Budget workshop
III. Public Forum
IV. Consent Agenda: Matters requiring board approval
IV.A. Approve minutes of July 22, 2021 meeting and pay the bills
IV.B. Journal Voucher
IV.C. Deliberation and possible action on Adult lunch prices
IV.D. Deliberation and possible action on TASB update 117
IV.E. Deliberation and possible action on COVID-19 resolution
IV.F. Deliberation and possible action on proposed 2021-2022 Budget
IV.G. Deliberation and possible action on proposed M&O tax rate
IV.H. Deliberation and possible action on proposed I&S tax rate
IV.I. Deliberation and possible action on date for budget hearing (8-30-21)
V. Executive session
V.A. Personnel needs
VI. Open Session
VI.A. Action, if any, on personnel needs
VII. Matters for Discussion only
VIII. Administrative Reports
VIII.A. Superintendent’s Report
VIII.A.1. Epi-pen training has been completed
Multi-Use Facility update
VIII.A.2. ESSER III grant was approved
VIII.B. Principal’s Reports
VIII.C. Athletic Director Report
VIII.D. Special Programs Coordinator Report
VIII.E. Technology Director Report
IX. Board Concerns
X. Adjourn