May 17, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order
II. Public Forum
III. Consent Agenda: Matters requiring board approval
III.A. Approve minutes of April 19, 2021 regular meeting, April 29, 2021 called meeting and pay the bills.
III.B. Journal Voucher (if any)
III.C. Deliberation and possible action on Multi-use Facility change orders 5 & 6
III.D. Deliberation and possible action selecting design professional for the Parking Lots Project and delegating authority to the Superintendent.
III.E. Deliberation and possible action to determine/select procurement method for the Parking Lots Project.
III.F. Deliberation and possible action to select Job Order Contractor and to delegate authority to Superintendent to contract with Job Order Contractor for the Parking Lots Project.
III.G. Deliberation and possible action to determine the prevailing wage rate for the Parking Lots Project.
III.H. Consider approval of IMA (Instructional Material Allotment) & TEKS Certification form.
IV. Executive session
IV.A. Discuss hiring Bethany Mason as a secondary teacher/coach
IV.B. Discuss hiring Dalton Herndon as a teacher/coach
IV.C. Discuss personnel needs
V. Open Session
V.A. Action, if any, on any teacher candidates
V.B. Action, if any, on any personnel needs
VI. Matters for Discussion only
VII. Administrative Reports
VII.A. Superintendent’s Report
VII.A.1. Multi-Use Facility update
Multi-Use Facility update
VII.A.2. Epi-pen update
VII.B. Principal’s Reports
VII.C. Athletic Director Report
VII.D. Special Programs Coordinator Report
VII.E. Technology Director Report
VIII. Board Concerns
IX. Adjourn