April 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting - No. 10
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Invocation (BCBD)
2. Adoption of Agenda (BCBD)
3. Approval of Minutes: March 11, 22, and April 1, 5, 2021 (BCBH/BE)
4. Budget, Finance and Operations
4.1. Approval of Sixteenth Section Business (EBJ/FGDB)
4.1.1. Bid for Hunting/Fishing Rights on Section 16-13N-3E-620 Acres
Current Holder - Richland Hunting Club
4.1.2. Bid for Hunting/Fishing Rights on Section 16-15N-4E-640 Acres
Current Holder: Holmes Land Company
4.1.3. Bid for Recreational Rights on Section 16-13N-3E-1 Acre
Current Holder: Richland Hunting Club
4.2. Approval to Accept Donation(s) (DFK)
4.3. Approval of Vendor Purchase(s) (DJE/DJEC/DJEG)
4.3.1. CDWG: Desktop Computers- SVME
4.3.2. Wheeler Janitorial: Deep Cleaning Services of School Buildings
4.4. Approval of SPED-Local Survey Chair Stipend (DJEJ)
4.5. Approval of Fixed Assets Deletions (DM/DO)
4.6. Approval of 2020-2021 Chief Financial Officer (GBD)
4.7. Approval of 2021-2022 Revised Teacher Pay Scale (GBA/GBA-E)
4.8. Approval of Monthly Claims Docket (DIB)
4.9. Financial Reports (for discussion and information only) (DIB/DJ/DCH/DGA)
5. Academics
5.1. Authority to Advertise for RFP's - Professional Development Services in Curriculum (DJAAA/DJED/DJEG/DJEJ)
5.2. Approval of Request to Participate in ROV Robotics Competition - HCCHS (EDA)
5.3. Approval of English Learners District Plan (IK)
6. Human Resource
6.1. Approval of 2021-2022 Certified Personnel (GBD)
6.2. Approval of 2020-2021 Adult Education Personnel (GBD/GCD)
6.3. Approval of 2020-2021 Certified Resignations (CEK/CGN/GBO)
6.4. Approval of 2020-2021 Denied Resignations (CEK/CGN/GBO)
7. Superintendent's Report
7.1. Recognition of Staff/Students of the Month (BBH/JF)
7.2. Facility Updates (Towers/Phase I/Additional School Buildings) (FA/FEAG)
7.3. State of District Report (IB/IH)
8. Public Comments (BCAF/BCBI)
9. Board Reports (ABB)
9.1. P-16 Council - Introduction of Board Members (LAA)
9.2. FYI- MS Ethics Commission- Annual Statement of Economic Interest -January 1, 2021 - May 1, 2021 (BH)
9.3. FYI- MSBA Board of Ethics Training (BBBC/BBBCA)
10. Consideration for Executive Session (BCBK)
11. Adjournment (BCBH)