August 27, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order/Adoption of Agenda: Action
II. Consent Agenda: Action
C Johnson
II.A. Approval of Claims: Katie Lochner
II.B. Approval of August 13th, 2020 Minutes
C Johnson
II.C. Staff Updates:
II.C.1. Resignations:
II.C.2. New Hire:
II.C.3. Transfers:
II.C.4. Re-assignment:
III. Public Input:
IV. Reports and Communication:
IV.A. Business Manager Report
IV.B. Contingency Learning Plans
C Johnson
IEP amendments through the use of Contingency Learning Plans are being completed for all SWDs. This work will provide plans for each of the learning models.
IV.C. Reassigning Special Education Staff to Duties Outside Special Education
C Johnson
Last Spring under EO 20-02, special education staff funding with state special education funds, could be reassigned to other duties such as food service or child care. Reassigned special education staff continued to report their duties as if no change to their duties had occurred, districts continued to code these staff to state special education funding, they were paid with state special education dollars and these amounts were calculated into each districts special education MOE.
This Fall, under EO 20-82, special education staff funding with state special education funds, can still be reassigned to other duties such as food service or child care. Reassigned special education staff will now report their new duties, districts will continue to code these staff to state special education funding, they will be paid with state special education dollars. The change this fall is that these amounts will not be calculated into each districts special education MOE. |
IV.D. Guidance for Delivering Direct Services: Staff Protective Equipment
C Johnson
This guidance provides direction to school staff on the type of protective equipment that will be needed to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission when delivering direct student support services that require close, prolonged contact. This guidance applies to services delivered in kindergarten through 12th grade special and general education, pre-kindergarten programs including birth to three-part C under IDEA, and school-based child care programs. This guidance applies when planning for all scenarios in the 2020-2021 Planning Guide: Health Considerations for Navigating COVID-19.
IV.E. Masking Exemptions
C Johnson
Individuals with a medical condition, mental health condition, or disability that makes it unreasonable for the individual to maintain a face covering. This includes, but is not limited to, individuals who have a medical condition that compromises their ability to breathe, and individuals who are unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove a face covering without assistance. These individuals should consider using alternatives to face coverings, including clear face shields, and staying at home as much as possible.
IV.F. Fall Staff Development Plans
C Johnson
Attached you will find the professional development schedule for GCED staff. In addition, you will see the agenda for the GCED Back to School Event on August 27th. This is for all licensed special education staff across the county. This will be recorded for ZM staff as they are unable to attend this year. We also will hold our traditional TLC Day on August 26th.
IV.G. District COVID-19 Response Plan
Every district must have a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. The COVID-19 Preparedness Plan shall establish and explain the policies, practices and conditions the business will implement to meet the industry guidance for the school, Plans must be communicated to sstaff and posted at the workplace in a manner that is accessible for staff to review. Our COVID-19 Preparedness Plan must include and describe how we will implement the following:
1. policies and procedures that assist in the identification of sick workers and ensure sick workers stay home; 2. implementation of engineering and administrative protocols for social distancing; 3. worker hygiene and source controls, including face coverings; 4. workplace building and ventilation protocols; 5. workplace cleaning and disinfecting protocols; 6. drop-off, pick-up and delivery protections and protocols; and 7. communications and training practices and protocols. In addition to the above, the plan must also include protections and protocols included in specific industry guidance applicable to our district for circumstances that are typical, unique or specific to our school buildings, including the situations where exposure exists for staff, students and visitors. These additional protections and protocols include the following: 1. additional protections and protocols for staff, students and visitors; 2. additional protections and protocols for face coverings and personal protective equipment (PPE); 3. additional protections and protocol for access and assignment; 4. additional protections and protocol for sanitation and hygiene; 5. additional protections and protocols for work clothes and handwashing; 6. additional protections and protocol for distancing and barriers; 7. additional protections and protocols for managing occupancy; and 8. additional protocols to limit face-to-face interaction.
IV.H. Return to School Plan Information for Parents
C Johnson
Information on our Return to School Plan has been mailed out to parents and put on our website. We want to share this information with the board and get feedback.
V. Old Business:
V.A. Second Reading of Policy 808
C Johnson
The MSBA-MASA model policy echoes the Executive Order's requirements for employees, students, and other persons (including visitors, guests, contractors, etc.) present on school property to wear face coverings in classrooms, preschool, child care settings and other indoor areas, as well as outdoor areas where a physical distance of 6 feet cannot be maintained between persons, in order to minimize exposure to COVID-19.
V.B. 2020-2021 GCED School Calendar Changes
N Jack
Updates and changes on the 2020 - 2021 were necessary due to implementation of the hybrid learning model at River Bluff and Tower View.
VI. New Business:
VI.A. COP Refunding
J Paradis
Due to historically low interest rates we are looking at refincing our COPs.
VII. Other:
VIII. Comments: Board/Director
C Johnson
IX. Next Meeting Date: September 24, 2020 at 7:00 PM format to be determined.
X. Adjournment