July 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Board Member Candidate Interviews
Cindy Banner
Riley Cope Mary Grayson Leslie Neilson
IV. Agenda Modifications
V. Announcements and Comments
V.A. Superintendent
V.A.1. Election Cycles / Levied Mileages
V.A.2. Non-Homestead Renewal Information
V.A.3. Construction Update
V.A.4. State Budget Update
V.A.5. Staffing Update
V.A.6. Employee Assistance Program
V.A.7. Policy Committee Meeting
V.B. Board of Education
VI. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
VII. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Move by ___, support by___ that Consent Agenda items be adopted, as presented.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
VII.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Motion to approve the Board of Education Budget Hearing and Regular meeting minutes of June 26, 2023.
VII.B. Business and Finance Items
VII.B.1. Payment of the Monthly Bills
Motion to approve the monthly bills:
General Fund Expenditures: $358,145.90 Food Service Expenditures: $20,660.74 2023 Bond Expenditures: $686,871.75 Total Expenditures for March: $1,065,678.39
VII.B.2. Auditor Appointment
Motion to approve UHY, LLP (formerly known as Baird Cotter Bishop CPA) as the District's auditors for the 2023-2024 school year.
VII.B.3. Appointment of Law Firm
Motion to retain Thrun Law Firm, P.C. as the district's law firm for the 2023-2024 school year.
VII.B.4. Board Member Compensation Rate
Motion to establish the Board Member Compensation Rate at $35 per Regular and Special Board Meetings.
VII.B.5. Mileage Reimbursement Rate
Motion to establish the 2023-2024 mileage reimbursement rate for approved school district travel at the current IRS rate per mile of $0.655.
VII.B.6. Depository of School Funds
Motion to approve the following depositories and approve the authorization for signatures on accounts with an electronic facsimile signature of the President and Treasurer of the School Board on the following accounts:
Huntington Bank: General Fund (Checking, Payroll) Charlevoix State Bank: Food Service Fund (Savings), High School, Middle School, and Elementary School (Savings), General Fund (Savings & Checking), 2016/2019 Debt Retirement (Savings), Capital Improvement Fund (Savings),2020/2023 Debt Retirement (Savings) Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund: General Fund, Capital Projects, 2020 Bond, and 2023 Bond |
VII.B.7. Signature Facsimile for Checks
Motion to use a signature facsimile of the President and Treasurer for the following accounts: General Fund, Payroll, High School, Middle School, Elementary School, Food Service, Debt Retirement, Capital Bond Projects, and Capital Improvement.
VII.B.8. Electronic Transaction of Funds
Motion to authorize the electronic transaction of funds and further authorizes Chief Financial Officer Irene Byrne, Finance Assistant Lynn Sparks and/or Superintendent Patrick Little to sign the necessary paperwork and agreements to electronically transfer funds at Huntington Bank, Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund (MILAF) and Charlevoix State Bank.
VII.B.9. Charlevoix State Bank Money Market Fund for Government Operations - Deposit and Transfer Authorization
Motion to authorize the deposit of funds to Charlevoix State Bank, and further authorizes Chief Financial Officer Irene Byrne, Finance Assistant Lynn Sparks and/or Superintendent Patrick Little to transfer funds and to sign the necessary paperwork and agreements to deposit and/or transfer funds on accounts held at Charlevoix State Bank.
VII.B.10. Chase Bank Money Market Fund for Government Operations - Deposit and Transfer Authorization
Motion to authorize the deposit of funds to Chase Bank, and further authorizes Chief Financial Officer Irene Byrne, Finance Assistant Lynn Sparks and/or Superintendent Patrick Little to transfer funds and to sign the necessary paperwork and agreements to deposit and/or transfer funds on accounts held at Chase.
VII.B.11. Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund - Deposit and Transfer Authorization
Motion to authorize the deposit of funds to the Michigan School District Liquid Asset Fund, and further authorizes Chief Financial Officer Irene Byrne, Finance Assistant Lynn Sparks and/or Superintendent Patrick Little to sign the necessary paperwork and agreements to deposit and/or transfer funds.
VII.B.12. Huntington Bank Business Checking Products - Deposit Authorization
Motion to authorize the deposit of funds to Huntington Bank, and further authorizes Chief Financial Officer Irene Byrne, Finance Assistant Lynn Sparks and/or Superintendent Patrick Little to transfer funds and to sign the necessary paperwork and agreements to deposit and/or transfer funds on accounts held at Huntington Bank.
VII.B.13. BMO Harris Bank
Motion to authorize BMO Harris Bank for the purpose of purchase cards, and further authorize Chief Financial Officer Irene Byrne, Finance Assistant Lynn Sparks and/or Angela Matelski as authorized administrators.
VII.C. Resignation of Crystal Beckman - Early Learners Special Needs Aide
Motion to accept the resignation of Crystal Beckman as the Early Learners Special Needs Aide.
VII.D. Resignation of Amy Rankin - ES Paraprofessional
Motion to accept the resignation of Amy Rankin as the ES Paraprofessional.
VII.E. Hiring of Tyla Coates Varsity Volleyball Head Coach
Motion to approve the hiring of Tyla Coates as the Varsity Volleyball Head Coach.
VII.F. 23-24 HS Co-Curricular Assignments
Motion to accept the 23-24 HS Co-Curricular Assignments listed as attached.
VIII. Recess
IX. Appointment Process
IX.A. Board Discussion
IX.B. Board Ranking of Candidates
X. Action Items
X.A. Appoint New Board Member
Motion by __, support by__, "that the Board of Education of the Boyne City School District that _________ be and hereby is, appointed to serve as a member of the Board of Education of this school district for the unexpired term of Jeff Mercer. The appointment will terminate on the date of the 2023 General Election, November 13, 2023."
Motion (Carried/Failed) __to__. |
X.B. Approval of Andrew Stevens as the new High School Math Teacher
Motion by__, support by__, to approve the hiring of Andrew Stevens as the new High School Math Teacher, as recommended administratively.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__.
X.C. Letter of Resignation from Lisa King - Elementary School Principal
Motion by__, support by__, to acknowledge the letter of resignation of Lisa King as the Elementary School Principal, as recommended administratively.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__.
XI. Oath of Office - New Board Member
XII. Discussion Items
XII.A. Board Committee Assignments
XIII. Correspondence
XIII.A. Good Job Notes
XIII.B. Irene Byrne CFO Certification
XIV. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XV. Closed Session
Motion by__ support by__ to adjourn into closed session at ___ to conduct an initial superintendent evaluation and discussion of school safety planning.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
XVI. Open Session
Motion by__ support by___ to reconvene into open session at ____p.m.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
XVII. Additional Action/Discussion Items (if any)
XVIII. Adjournment
Move by__, support by__ to adjourn the meeting at ___p.m.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |