January 10, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
In accordance with Board Policy, "The meeting shall be called to order by the ranking officer of the preceding Board who shall serve as the presiding officer who shall, in turn, serve until the election of a president'.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Modifications
IV. Election of Officers
Board members, please see the voting procedure sheet attached
IV.A. Election of President
IV.B. Election of Vice President
IV.C. Election of Treasurer
IV.D. Election of Secretary
V. Board Committee Structure
V.A. Policy Committee
V.B. Finance Committee
V.C. Boyne Continuous Improvement Process (CIP)
V.D. Building Trades Committee
V.E. District Technology Committee
V.F. Reproductive Health Advisory Board
VI. Presentation(s):
VI.A. Student Council Reports
VI.B. K-4 Math Curriculum/Resource Update
Lisa King and Kyle Maginity
VI.C. 5-12 Grade Math Curriculum Update
Kyle Maginity, Mike Wilson and Karen Jarema
VI.D. Char-Em ISD CTE May Millage Vote
VII. Announcements and Comments
VII.A. Superintendent
VII.A.1. School Board Appreciation Month
VII.A.2. Construction Update
VII.B. Board of Education
VII.B.1. Board of Education Committee Reports
VIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
IX. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Move by ___, support by___ that Consent Agenda items be adopted, as presented.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
IX.A. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting
Motion to approve the Board of Education meeting minutes of December 13, 2021.
IX.B. Business and Finance Items
IX.B.1. Payment of the Monthly Bills
Motion to approve the monthly bills
General Fund Expenditures: $153,873.68 Food Service Fund Expenditures: $24,916.48 2020 Bond Fund Expenditures: $1,780,455.20 Total Expenditures: $1,959,245.36 |
IX.B.2. Boyne City Lions Club Donation
Motion to acknowledge a donation in the amount of $1,000 from the Boyne Valley Lions Club to be used towards the purchase of Football Helmets for the 2022-2023 school year, as recommended administratively.
IX.C. Personnel Items
IX.C.1. Delegation of Duties - Recording Minutes of Board Meetings
Motion to appoint the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent to perform the regular duties of the Board secretary in the recording of minutes for all meetings of the Board of Education.
IX.C.2. Delegation of Person to Post Public Notice of Meetings
Motion to appoint the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent to perform the regular duties of the secretary in the posting of all public notice of meetings in the district.
IX.C.3. Annual Appointment of Sexual Harassment Grievance Officers
Motion to appoint Middle School Success Coordinator Erin Bybee and High School Student Success Coordinator John Hertel, as the Sexual Harassment Officers, thereby vesting them with the authority and responsibility for processing all sexual harassment complaints in accordance with Board Policy.
IX.C.4. Annual Appointment of Section 504 Officer
Motion to appoint Mike Wilson, Middle School Principal, the District Coordinator of Section 504 activities, thereby vesting him with the authority and responsibility to provide a free and appropriate public education to each student with a disability, in accordance with Board Policy.
IX.C.5. Annual Appointment of Reproductive Health Advisory Board Chair
Motion to appoint Erin Bybee (BCMS Assistant Principal) and Jennifer Yelovina (parent) as co-chairs of the Reproductive Health Advisory Board.
X. Discussion Items
X.A. Regular Meeting Schedule and Times
X.B. Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) Policy
XI. Action Items
XI.A. Board Schedule Meeting for 2022
Motion by___, support by___, to establish the 2022 Regular Meeting Schedule to be located in the Hospitality Room of the Boyne City Education Center at ___ p.m. on the dates that are presented.
Motion (carried/failed) __to__. |
XI.B. Lineworker Program Utility Bucket Truck Bid Award
Motion by __, support by___, to award the bid from Great Lakes Energy in the amount of $55,000 to purchase a utility bucket truck for the Lineworker Program using CTE carryover funds, as recommended administratively.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
XI.C. Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) Policy Adoption
Motion by___, support by___, that the Board adopt Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) policy 4226, as recommended administratively.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
XII. Correspondence
XII.A. Good Job Notes
XIII. Public Commentary (5 minutes/person-please see guidelines at end of agenda)
XIV. Closed Session
Motion by __support by__ that the Board adjourn into closed session at ___pm for the purpose of a superintendent evaluation.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
XV. Open Session
Motion by__, support by___ to reconvene into open session at ___pm.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
XVI. Additional Action/Discussion Items
XVI.A. Superintendent Evaluation
Motion by__, support by__, that the Board of Education hereby states Superintendent Little's evaluation status is ______________.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |
XVII. Adjournment
Move by__, support by__ to adjourn the meeting at ___p.m.
Motion (carried/failed)__to__. |